Chapter Twenty Four

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It was finally Saturday, the unit had been working a high profile drug case the whole week. Harper had barely gotten any sleep between worrying about Jay's new job he was starting soon and trying to think of new leads on the case. 

Jay on the other hand, wasn't worried at all about starting his new job. Harper knew Mouse set up security for them and she trusted Mouse with Jay's life but Harper knew how many things could go wrong in a business like that.

Jay greeted Harper as she walked across the apartment, he was worried about her, she had dark circles under her eyes and he knew she hadn't been sleeping properly. "Hey, you good?" Jay asked. Harper nodded "Yeah, I'm fine" she said looking up at him and offering a small smile. "You're going to dinner with Hank tonight, right?" Jay asked. "Yeah, I am," Harper replied. "Shit, we were so busy working the case I forgot to ask Mouse and Samara about their date" Harper laughed.

"It's fine, I'm meeting Mouse tonight, I'll ask" Jay said as Harper nodded. Jay usually met up with Mouse after a rough case or at the end of the week, Harper was happy that Jay had someone to talk to that understood what he had been through. No matter how many times Jay could tell her about what happened overseas she would never understand it and she accepted that.

As Harper looked in the fridge, she let out a groan, "We need to get eggs and a bunch of other things" she said looking up at Jay. Usually when they ran out of something, one of them would just go get it but with both of them working patrol that week it was hard.

"Okay, let's go to the store," Jay said. "Are you seriously only letting me go with you?" Harper said jokingly. "Yes, I need to keep you on a short leash" Jay joked as Harper smacked his arm while Jay feigned hurt, pouting and rubbing the spot where Harper had hit him. Harper laughed, "One day I'm going to get you back for all the times you've smacked me" Jay warned jokingly. "But you deserved it," Harper whined. "That's debatable," Jay said, narrowing his eyes at her as he grabbed the keys to the truck.

As they walked out of their apartment, Harper snuck behind Jay and grabbed the keys. "Hey" Jay said, trying to grab them from her . "I'm driving and even if you tried you couldn't get the keys from me" Harper said as Jay groaned, he thought about turning it into a game of cat and mouse but he didn't want to make Harper uncomfortable.

Harper was surprised when Jay stopped trying to get the keys, "See I told you you wouldn't be able to get them from me" Harper smirked while Jay shook his head. "I was right about you being a terrible little thing" Jay joked as Harper scoffed.

After 45 minutes, they were back in the house, "We came back fifteen minutes earlier this time because I can actually drive fast" Harper said, smirking. "The last time we went there was so much traffic," Jay said defensively. "Totally" Harper said, rolling her eyes as she put the eggs away. "Well, I have to go and talk to my boss for the security gig and then I'm going to meet Mouse, have fun at your daddy-daughter dinner" Jay said as Harper threw a dish towel at him. Jay really did hope it would go well, he wanted Harper to be happy because she deserved the best.


Harper's dinner with Hank had gone well, they had talked about Justin, Daniel and Camille. Harper was always close with Justin and she loved his son Daniel just like Hank. It was great catching up with Hank without Erin always trying to one up her.

As Harper unlocked the door to her apartment, she couldn't help but smile, her life was finally coming together. She was still nervous about Jay and it still broke her heart everyday that he didn't love her the way she did but some aspects of her life were coming together and she was so grateful for that. "Hey," she said smiling at Jay as she walked through the door. "Hey, how was your dinner?" Jay asked looking up at her from the table. "It was great, how was the meeting with your boss and meeting up with Mouse" Harper asked, smiling.

"They both went well," Jay said, smiling at Harper genuinely. "So who's your boss?" Harper asked, trying to be casual, she didn't want Jay to think she was some worried girl hanging off of him. "Her name is Briana, she seems very business forward, she asked me to dinner but I'm not really interested" Jay explained as Harper nodded.

Harper was glad that Jay wasn't interested in Briana, she knew she should want Jay to date someone and be happy but no matter what she always subconsciously wanted it to be her. A rush of cold air interrupted Harper's thoughts, "God, why the fuck is it so cold?" she asked to no one in particular as she ran her hands up and down her arms, hugging herself.

"It's Chicago," Jay said with a laugh. "Hey, how did Mouse's date go? Harper asked. "He blushed when I mentioned Samara's name and he said it went well, he didn't really say anything else about it" Jay said as Harper nodded, "I need to call Samara one of these days and ask her about it." Harper wasn't the time to be nice and set her friends up, she was more of a tough person, but Samara was an amazing friend.

Harper had met Samara when she was getting the application for the police academy and they had instantly clicked. Even though Samara was a teacher at a local public school, she had always encouraged Harper to continue the process of becoming a police officer while she was in the academy surrounded by men who thought women shouldn't be in positions like that.

"It's still early, do you want to watch a movie?" Jay asked as Harper nodded. "I'll go get changed" Harper said quickly going to her room and changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, just like Jay.

 She came out and sat next to Jay, shivering, as she regretted not changing into a long-sleeved t-shirt. Jay chuckled, draping a blanket over them and pulling her closer as she rested her head on his shoulder. Being with Jay made her forget about a lot of things, but it didn't make her forget about how worried she was about his new job.

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