Chapter Twenty Two

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It was Monday, as Harper walked into the district, she couldn't help but shiver, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her coat, it was finally November and it was getting colder and colder. She had come to the district later than she usually did but still a bit earlier than everyone else. As soon as she got up to the bullpen, she walked over to Mouse who was in the tech room.

When Jay buzzed himself up to the bullpen, he heard Harper's telltale laugh from the tech room. His jaw clenched and unclenched at the thought of someone else other than him, making her laugh that hard. Then he realized how stupid he sounded, he should just happy that Harper was happy. He felt even more dumb when he realized that Harper was probably talking to Mouse about setting him up with Samara.

Harper walked out of the tech room with a wide smile and sauntered over to Jay as he raised an eyebrow at her, "He said yes" she said with a smile. "If their date goes well, I'm asking you to set me up with someone," Jay said jokingly. Harper offered him a smile but her heart fluttered as she realized the meaning of his words, he was ready to date someone again.

Harper groaned in the middle of the day, it was a long day filled with paperwork and she still had to do patrol. "What's wrong?" Jay asked her with a smirk. "We still have to do patrol when we finish this," Harper whined while Jay laughed at her. As Harper was talking to Jay, Lindsay walked past them, "Remember when we used to work overtime doing patrol, Jay?" Erin said, smirking at him. "Yeah" he nodded at her nonchalantly. "It was so much fun," Erin said. "Lindsay. My office" Voight barked at her as she opened her mouth to say something.

When Jay and Harper were doing overtime, they got a call to be backup and take some offenders in their car because a unit had found a stash house. As Harper and Jay dragged the offenders out of the stash house, "Damn, I didn't know they hired sexy police officers, I would totally fuck her" one of the guys said looking Harper up and down. "Hey, turn around, shut the fuck up, and watch your mouth asshole" Jay yelled at the guy, slamming him against the car to check his handcuffs before shoving him down inside. Harper was surprised, she had only seen him this protective of his partner when he had liked Erin.


After they had finished their overtime shift, it was pretty late and both of them were too exhausted to argue about who was showering first so Jay showered first and Harper went immediately after. When Harper was finished with her shower, she saw Jay on the couch with two beers on the coffee table, she sat by him and he handed one over to her.

"What do you want for dinner?" Jay asked her, turning to look at her. "I don't know, you choose, but please don't pick something weird" Harper said. Jay smiled at her, "Finally the day where I get to choose what we eat" Jay said sarcastically with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Don't fuck it up" Harper warned narrowing her eyes at him. "Okay, you don't have to worry, I'm not that crazy" Jay joked, throwing a pillow at Harper. "I never know with you, you know?" Harper joked while Jay gave her the finger. "Mouse is going on his date with Samara tomorrow" Harper said smiling. "You're so proud of yourself aren't you? Do you have an ulterior motive or something?" he asked jokingly.

Harper feigned offense by his words and jokingly scoffed, "Why would I have an ulterior motive?" she said. "Because you're such a terrible little thing, Harper" he joked while she laughed. "I really hope it works out though, for both of their sakes" she said frowning. "Me too, but if it doesn't work out, at least you tried," Jay said, comforting her as she hummed in response, resting her head on his shoulder while he turned the TV on.

"Are we doing overtime next week?" Harper asked Jay as she looked up from his shoulder. "No, just this week" Jay said. "If you don't want to do it you don't have to," Jay said. He didn't want Harper to think he was demanding and he didn't want her to feel like she had to do something that she was too exhausted to do. 

"I want to do overtime with you Jay, I always have your back, we made a promise remember?" she said seriously. Jay's bright eyes softened and he pulled closer, nodding as he draped an arm over Harper's shoulders.

When Harper was younger, she thought it would have been stupid making a promise with a man because every single man in her life had always done something bad. She had always believed men couldn't be trusted, yet here she was making promises with a man, Jay Halstead, the person she trusted the most in the world. She didn't think she deserved him in her life but she didn't know what she would do without him .

After twenty minutes, a knock on the door interrupted both of their thoughts. "I'll get it, that's probably our food" Jay said as Harper nodded. Harper was still thinking about how much her life had changed since she sat next to Jay at Molly's when Erin had left. 

Her relationship with Jay was so much more deeper than drinking together and watching the game together, their relationship was built on trust and promises that would last forever. They were always going to be there for each other forever, no matter what.

When Jay opened the door to their apartment, her calm expression quickly turned into a confused one, it wasn't the food they had ordered, it was someone she would have never expected to be at her doorstep. He would never meet her at her apartment. What was Voight doing here?

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Always Here: A Jay Halstead fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя