Chapter Sixty Five

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It had been two weeks since their encounter at Molly's and they were working another high profile case, a very dangerous one at that. "We have to send in multiple undercovers if he's staying at the hotel," Voight said, pointing to the picture of the hotel Roger White was staying at. "Can't we send in a butler or something?" Adam asked, not wanting their unit to be down so many detectives.

"No, because he has a private butler, doesn't let anyone else in his room," Voight said, already frustrated with the situation as Harper wracked her brain to find another way. Jay sighed, turning around, his knuckles pressed against his desk, "We could send in several undercovers," Jay suggested and Harper smiled. She loved the way he looked when he was thinking, loved the way his brain worked.

"Sky and Halstead, you're going to be undercover as a couple for a week at least. You're going to have to plant a bug in his room and find out who he's working with. He does deals to get military grade materials inside the hotel so find out who he's doing it with. He's planning on planting a bomb to test somewhere in Chicago according to Sky's C.I. Burgess, you're undercover as a waitress because they can't wear wires, be very subtle, you're in the background. All of you be careful, CPD sent an undercover in last time and we found him in a warehouse burned alive" Voight said, his voice getting softer at the end, it sounded like it was something straight out of a movie but that was what happened in Chicago. And again, Voight knew only Harper and Jay could come across that convincing as a couple.

"You two will be sharing a room," Voight said, pointing to Harper and Jay while Jay smiled, happy to be going undercover with his partner, it was one of their specialties. "Did I say something funny Halstead?" Voight said, narrowing his eyes at him. "No--No sir you didn't," Jay said, the color draining from his face while Harper turned around smirking at him.

"We have an in with the manager, she'll inform you about White's whereabouts," Voight said before walking to his office. "Sky, meet me in my office," he demanded. Harper walked over to his office, closing the door and sitting down, "We'll be skipping our weekly dinners this week," Voight said, pacing the room. Harper already knew this, it was because her and Jay were going undercover.

"Be careful," Voight said and Harper nodded. Voight never expressed his fears. "We will," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, because she knew the weight of Voight's words. She stood up, as Voight walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Go get ready kiddo, I'll see you before you leave," he whispered as Harper went on her way out. Voight hated sending undercovers in, after everything that had happened with Keyes, there were so many things that could go wrong but he trusted Harper and Jay to have each other's back.

Harper smirked, walking into the locker room as she saw Jay changing, he was shirtless, in his jeans, Harper's breath caught in her throat, "What the hell am I supposed to wear?" he asked, frustratedly. "Aww does Detective Halstead not have a fashion sense?" Harper pouted. "Don't tease me to try to hide the fact that you wish I could just go shirtless," Jay said, his deep voice bouncing off the lockers, making Harper shiver on the inside. She scoffed, "Here," she said, pressing a blazer and blue button down shirt that brought out his beautiful eyes perfectly into his chest.

He pouted at her choice of fussy clothes for him, "We have to look important, and as soon as we get there we have to have dinner, it's a high end hotel Jay," she said with a smirk, they were trying to get an eye on Roger at dinner. "I know about high end hotels and I am important," Jay said, flashing a boyish grin at her while Harper shook her head walking away. He was so cocky. 

Jay's sour mood quickly subsided as he realized Harper would be wearing a dress. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about his partner like that, after everything that had happened with Erin, but Harper was different, the way her and Jay were connected was on another level, he had never been connected to someone like that.

Always Here: A Jay Halstead fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz