Chapter Fifty Five

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They were trying to find new leads on a case they were working. They had basically started with nothing, now they were trying to track the offender's path through Chicago. "Hey Sky, some woman named Emily called for you, she's been really adamant about seeing you," Trudy said as she walked into the bullpen.

Harper's eyes widened, she couldn't believe Trudy. How had Emily even found her? Wasn't she in New York or something? She nodded, "Thanks, Sarge, I'll call her after we solve this," she swallowed, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Contacting Emily was going to blow the lid off of a lot of things. Jay looked at her and knew there was something wrong, she covered well but he could see right through her just like she could see right through him. "Halstead and Sky go to this shop, and see if you get anything on surveillance," Voight said, before ordering the rest of the crew to do different tasks.

Jay glanced at her with a concerned look on his face before walking to the car, where she was already sitting in the driver's seat. He decided not to push on the subject because he didn't want anything to get in the way of their work but he would make sure to find out that night.

"What?" she asked, glancing at Jay who was resting his head on his fist. "Nothing," Jay said, shaking his head and chuckling, trying to lighten the mood while Harper rolled her eyes. She knew why he was looking at her like that though, he wanted to know who Emily was and she would have to tell him what she did.

As they got out of the car some random idiot yelled, "Shake it, baby," and another guy yelled, "That's a nice ass you got right there girl," Harper gave them a look rolling her eyes before walking towards the cornershop, but Jay stayed there, "Watch yourselves," he said, harshly. "Yes sir, officer sir," one of the jerks yelled. "Come on," Harper said to Jay, rolling her eyes at his antics. They quickly got the surveillance by making some meaningless threats to the uncooperative sales person before walking out.

As Harper and Jay walked out, one of the guys threw a beer bottle at her, "I think you should come over tonight and ride this dick, I'll give you a real good test drive," he said. Usually, in situations like this, Harper would have yelled at them or something but she wasn't engaging because her mind was on Emily. Jay was livid, he didn't put up with guys catcalling women like this, especially Harper.

"That's it, I'm done with their shit," Jay said, handing Harper his badge and gun while Harper shook her head, she wasn't a fan of Jay fighting people but they did deserve what they were going to get. "You like being disrespectful to women?" Jay asked as the other guy primed himself for a fight while Jay quickly punched him, knocking him straight on his ass. Harper bit her lip as she watched him fight. She always wondered what it was like to be manhandled by those arms.

"Anyone else?" Jay asked, helping the guy up, they all shook their heads and Harper handed Jay his gun and badge giving him an amused look. While Jay angrily walked to the car to brood like he used to when he was younger and angry at the world. "My hero," Harper said, patting his back and winking, making Jay roll his eyes and smirk.

"Hero huh?" he said, of course he totally disregarded the part where she was making fun of him. "Why the hell are you so cocky?" she muttered under her breath, getting into the driver's seat, while he shook his head. Harper's happy expression quickly turned into a frown as she thought about Emily and what she had done.

How could she have let that happen? If she wasn't such a bad person, Emily could have been right here, doing what she was doing. Would Emily hate her for what she had done? After all, everything that happened to her was your fault , just like Lily she commented dryly to herself.

"You all good?" Jay asked as she parked. "Yeah, come on," Harper said as she got out of the car while Jay was still in his seat. Who the hell was Emily? 

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