Chapter Fifty One

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Harper looked at the picture of the guy they were supposed to get a deal with once more before following Jay to the car. She was quiet in the car which confused Jay because they always talked once they were in the car. Her hands were tense and she was fidgeting. As they stopped at a red light, Jay grabbed one of her tense, shaking hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze, his hand lingering a little too long for just caring for her as a friend. One day he told himself.

Harper offered him a small smile. Jay would be lying if he said he wasn't on edge, this was his first time undercover since the Keyes incident which had blown up in his face, he knew he would have trouble controlling his desire for Harper if she even started the flirty teasing game they loved to play with each other everyday and he was worried about Harper.

He knew this was the first time she was going to a club since she had done drugs. She had been sober for almost two months and she would have to drink. He trusted her to make the right choices but he was worried about how she felt.

"We're here," Jay said, softly, moving to open Harper's door. "What a gentleman" she smirked, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, I am a perfectly good gentleman everyday" Jay said feigning offense while Harper shook her head. He pulled her into his side and they entered the club. As soon as Harper walked into the club she felt like she was dealing with Lily's death all over again. The lights and the dancing combined with the alcohol made her feel like she was at another club doing drugs and alcohol with Savannah and her friends.

Jay didn't know how flustered he was because he was met with his very own surprise when he saw a very explicit, pornographic scene, "God," he said, turning away and grimacing. He only had eyes for one girl. "You good?" Harper asked him. "Yeah, this is a sex club, it's where people have sex, this is..." Jay said, shaking his head while Harper chuckled, observing their surroundings.

Her eyes fell on Kim flirting up a storm with the bartender so she wouldn't get made. Harper moved closer to Jay, resting her head on her shoulder as Jay snaked his hand around her waist. They walked to the bar and Harper felt like she was having a panic attack, she was breathing heavily and more labored, tears pricking at her eyes at the strong smell of the alcohol. Her senses were overloaded, she couldn't go through this, not again.

Breathe. Just breathe. You can do that. Don't do this. Not tonight.

She tried to coach herself

Jay quickly caught on, pulling her closer, "Easy, easy, It's okay, I got you" he said softly, gently running his hand over her exposed arm, walking a little slower until her breathing became normal. She nodded, once she was ready, grabbing Jay's hand and pulling him over to the bar.

The bartender gave them a once over, eyes darkening as they lingered on Harper. "What can I get for you?" he asked. "A beer," Jay said, shooting daggers at him for looking at Harper like that. "A whiskey for me please" Harper said, smirking at Jay. Jay always thought it was insanely hot and badass that Harper ordered whiskey, usually when girls wanted to make a move on him, they would order a 'sex on the beach' or something.

The bartender handed them their drinks and Harper nodded her thanks, Jay took a swig of his beer but Harper's whiskey remained untouched. It's part of your job you have to she told herself. The bartender eyed her suspiciously, wondering what she was doing until she raised glass winking at him and taking a small sip while Jay rubbed soft, soothing circles in her back, still concerned. She quickly blinked back the tears in her eyes, trying to gather herself. Drinking again wasn't bad. It wasn't like she was taking continuous shots or anything. She was learning to trust herself again.

She took a couple sips before setting it down, while the bartender eyed her. His gaze was more predatorial than suspicious now so Harper used that as her play. "So, there was this really hot guy we had a deal with, he was white, had dark hair, he was so sexy, but I forgot his name" Harper said, with a sultry laugh that even made Jay's pants tighten ever so slightly. She was still on edge about drinking but she knew she had to act the part. This is what she loved about being undercover, you could be so many things, have so many different personalities.

"Oh, I think you're talking about Winston, he's busy right now, but with that body of yours and a face like that I'm sure you'll find someone to play with" the bartender said. "Huh, do you want to play?" Harper said, moving her cup in circular motions by the rim. "Playtime, for my girl" Jay said, his grip tightening on his beer at the thought of Harper doing that with the bartender.

Harper shot him an amused look before turning to the bartender. "I would love to, my name's Matthew, my shift ends in a couple of minutes" he said, turning around while Harper nodded. She paled when she realized he would probably want her to finish her whiskey.

She was fine with a couple of sips but she didn't think she could handle the whole thing. Jay quickly grabbed her glass, downing it before setting it down. He knew how she felt about that. They were able to read each other so easily now, after being partners for over a year, almost two.

Jay leaned down, his lips grazing the shell of her ear as she tried to suppress a shiver, "If we can get him alone, we can make him set up an intro" Jay whispered, while Harper nodded but Matthew had caught them and gave them a suspicious look. To keep their cover, Jay leaned down further, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her neck. His teeth grazed her neck and she had to suppress a moan, "Jay," she gasped softly.

"Is your shift almost over?" Harper asked, hoping Matthew was no longer suspicious while Jay took his face away from her neck, smirking at her, while she rolled her eyes. He loved how easily he could get to her. She knew Jay did that to keep their cover but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it.

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