Chapter Ten

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Monday morning, Harper woke up early like she usually did and woke Jay up too much to his dismay. "Jay, wake up" Harper yelled once she had walked into his room. "Why, it's 5 in the morning, it's too early," he groaned. "Now I know why you're always late, come on you have to get ready to see the psychologist."

He groaned before getting out of the bed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, even if he didn't want to go to therapy, he needed to show Harper that he was actually making an effort. "Okay, I'm up," he said looking at Harper. "Get ready" she said, narrowing her eyes at him. "Yes ma'am" he said, earning him a smack from Harper. He just smirked at her before leaving Harper in the room biting her lip thinking about his abs. How the hell am I going to survive living with him? She asked herself.


Later that week, as Harper walked into the interrogation room with Jay she couldn't have been more pissed. This guy was casually checking his sleeves and tying his shoes as if he hadn't kidnapped two women. The whole point of Harper and Jay interrogating him was so they could find the location of the women because one of them was diabetic and needed insulin. Voight had assigned Harper and Jay to interrogate him because they had always worked so well together.

As Jay leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, Harper sat at the table, the smell of his cheap cologne burning her nose. "We're all done with your shit, where the hell are the girls?" she growled angrily. "I don't know what you're talking about Detective Sky" he said nonchalantly.

"Come on man, we already know that you kidnapped them and you know where they are so just tell us so we can help you" Jay said coolly. "I don't know what you are talking about detectives" the dumbass said, smirking. That was the last straw for Harper, she quickly got up slamming the chair in the wall, making the man jump. She grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into the wall. "You have one last chance. Where the hell are the two women?" she said angrily. "I said I don't know" the man spat back.

That was it for Harper, she was beyond pissed, she furiously slammed the offender's head into the table and punched his face. "Tell me where the fuck those girls are you sick son of a bitch" she yelled at him before pinning him to the wall and putting her knee on his groin and adding pressure. "Okay, okay bitch calm down" he said. "Hey, watch your mouth" Jay said warningly to him. "I don't know where they are" the man sneered at Harper. She angrily kicked his chair across the interrogation room, pinning him to the wall with one hand and repeatedly punching him over and over again while yelling expletives.

That was enough for Jay, even though the man deserved it, he didn't want Harper to lose his job like Erin so he pulled her back and shoved her out of the break room. Harper glared at him, shooting daggers from her eyes, obviously pissed off. "What the hell? Do you want to get fired like Lindsay? He whisper-shouted at her. Harper quickly realized he was just looking out for her and instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry, he just pissed me off".

"Calm down, let's go in there together and get a name the right way. Let me take the lead on this one" he said pulling his hands away from her shoulders. She nodded at him before saying "I'm ready". Jay swiftly opened the interrogation room's door for her and let her walk in with him behind her. "Are you ready to spit out a name? If you don't one of those women is going to die and you will be charged with felony murder. Do you really want that, man? All that time away, your girl will definitely find someone else to fuck" Jay stated casually.

The man sighed before giving in "There's an abandoned warehouse a couple blocks away from my buddy Carlos's house, that's where they are". "What's Carlos's last name?" Jay asked. "Mendoza, Carlos Mendoza" the man replied back. "Okay, see that's all you needed to do" Jay told the man matter-of-factly before quickly leaving the interrogation room with Harper behind him. He called Voight knowing the rest of the team was out on a stakeout, trying to find more info about where the girls could have been kept.

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