Chapter Twenty

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As Harper drove home from the district, she knew she had to do something about the fact that the man who was beating up people's children was still free. If he didn't go to jail, there was still another way to wipe him off the face of the Earth. She just hoped she was making the right choice.

When she got out of the shower, Jay was finally home. "What took you so long?" Harper asked as she dried her hair. "I don't know," Jay said. "Probably your slow ass grandma driving" Harper joked. "I drive slow, really? Is that why you let me drive everyday? He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Shut up," Harper said, walking across the apartment. "Now, that has to be the best comeback I have ever heard" Jay said as Harper threw a pillow at him while she sat down on the couch.

Harper was doing something on her computer while Jay was watching TV. After about an hour, they heard a knock on the door. "I've got it," Jay said, getting up and opening it without even looking to see who it was. It was one of the few bad habits he had because his old apartment didn't have a hole to look through so you could see who was at the door. When he opened the door, it was Lindsay. "Lindsay, what are you doing here?" Jay asked as Harper walked into the kitchen. Why the hell was Lindsay here and how did she get their address?

"I got your address by looking at one of the files" Erin said. "Okay, what do you need?" Jay asked even though he wanted to say What do you want? "I was wondering if we could move dinner up to six" Erin said twirling her hair.

"Yeah, sure," Jay said nonchalantly. "I know that case was hard for everyone, it was really hard for me, if you need anything just let me know" Erin said, angering Jay. Why did Erin always have to play the victim? "Yeah, thanks," Jay said, closing the door.

Harper was livid, she was beyond mad that Jay had actually agreed to a dinner with Erin and she was furious that Erin had the nerve to show up at their apartment and play the victim. Even though Harper was mad that Jay had agreed to a dinner with Erin, she knew she couldn't show it, she didn't want anyone to think she was jealous. "You're going to dinner with Lindsay tomorrow?" Harper asked nonchalantly. "Yeah, I don't want to, but you know how she is," Jay explained as Harper nodded, walking to her room. Jay had lied to Harper about being late.

Harper had spent the rest of the night in her room and most of Saturday in her room formulating her plan to get the offender who was beating up children gone. That night, a couple of minutes after Jay had left for his dinner with Erin, Harper went down to Pilsen. She talked to a leader of a gang whose nephew had gotten beaten up by the man. She gave the offender's exact address to the leader and the gang leader had left saying he was going to take care of it.

Harper stayed in Pilsen for thirty minutes, not wanting to go to the apartment and see Jay. Or even worse, see Jay with Erin at the apartment. She thought that Erin would somehow pull Jay in, and Jay would fall for her all over again. After forty minutes, Harper saw a car pulling up and she stood up from the spot she was sitting in, it was Jay's car. That must have been a short dinner with Lindsay.

"Harper, what the hell are you doing here?" Jay asked, running over to her as she crossed her arms. "Voight told you to stand down, didn't he?" Jay asked angrily, he didn't want Harper to get in trouble. "Well I'm sorry for actually working to get justice, while you were eating dinner with your ex" Harper spat at him angrily while he looked at her blankly.

"She hurt you, she left and as soon as she comes back, you go and eat dinner with her? What the hell Jay? Do you not remember how you would drink so much in every single bar that I would have to come drag your ass home? Once again, you're letting her get her way?" Harper yelled at him as Jay looked at her with the same expression.

"Yeah, that's what I thought" Harper said dryly as she walked to her car. Jay quickly grabbed her before she could get in, "She asked me to go to dinner with her and I did, she went on and on about how sorry she was and how she felt horrible that I was going to ask her to marry me and how she would have said yes if she knew, and then she asked me to take her home so I did and she tried to kiss me but I left" Jay said calmly.

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