Chapter Forty Seven

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Her and Jay were running for their lives away from Keyes and his men. Jay was covered in bruises and burn marks and when she looked beside her he was trailing just a few feet behind her. It was all her fault that Jay had been kidnapped, it was all her fault they were running. "Come on, Jay, hurry up, please keep up" she cried out on the verge of tears.

Where was the team? Weren't they following her? Keyes and his men were getting closer and Harper knew she had to put up a fight. Out of nowhere one of them had pulled a gun, "Gun" she screamed out, trying to reach for hers but she didn't have one, she only had a ceramic knife.

Before she knew it one of the guys was shooting at her and Jay, she tried to shield Jay from the bullets because god knows he wasn't in any condition to take a bullet but he had already caught one. He was on the ground with a bullet lodged in his chest. Keyes and his associates were laughing hysterically. It was the cruellest thing ever.

She immediately dropped to her knees screaming for someone to call an ambulance because she didn't have her radio. She ripped his shirt open, her tears blurring her vision. She put her hand on the bullet wound, trying to stop his bleeding, but the blood was flowing uncontrollably out of him, there was nothing she could have done to stop it.

"You're going to be okay, Jay, I promise" she told him but she didn't even believe herself. He gripped her hand firmly, his blue eyes looking into hers, "Harper--" he choked out and she sobbed, "It's okay, Jay, just breathe" she cried out but his eyes closed. She screamed, trying to feel for a pulse or a heartbeat but there wasn't one. Before she knew it, people were surrounding her taking his body.

That was the last time she saw his gorgeous face, his beautiful ocean eyes, his chiseled body. It felt like the ocean in his eyes that she drowned in everyday, had dried up. She would miss her partner forever and it would be all her fault.

She was sitting in Voight's office and he was yelling at her, "It's all your fault that Halstead's dead, you basically killed him, you got him killed because you were too damn selfish just like Lily" he yelled at her and she didn't say anything because she knew it was true. As she walked back to her apartment, she realized how distraught she was without her partner there to comfort her and be there for her. She would be lost forever.

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