Chapter Sixty Seven

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Harper woke up to the smell of coffee wafting through the room, she rubbed her eyes, shivering as she felt the loss of Jay's warmth, before looking around confusedly, "Jay?" she called out and he immediately whipped his head around, it amazed her how sharp his instincts were in the morning, she knew it had something to do with the military.

"Hey sleepy head," he said, walking over to her, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, face softening as he took her sleepy state in. "You've always woken up before me every single day, you just didn't want to get out of bed," she observed while Jay smirked. "Precisely," he said, while Harper shook her head, slightly amused, she had only guessed that, she would just give him a hard time about it. She stood up, thanking him as he smiled genuinely, "It's Voight," she said, pointing to her phone that was ringing. "Sky," she answered, while Voight explained that Roger was going out and they had to install a bug.

"Yes sir," she answered before hanging up. "Housekeeping came and said there was nobody in White's room, we have to install the bugs within an hour," Harper said, running to the bathroom, getting ready before running out with the bugs. "One in the bedroom, one in the bathroom and main room," she explained to Jay and he nodded. They quickly got the bugs in in under 10 minutes and left the room, they had always worked so well together and their rhythm would always bring them to success.

Harper walked into the room, "I'm going to go take a shower" Jay said and Harper nodded, working on a file at the desk. When Jay got out with just a towel wrapped around his waist, not even that could distract Harper from the annoying message she just got. "Damn it," she cursed, her head hitting the wood surface of the desk, while Jay walked over to her, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You good?" he asked, a slight hint of amusement in his voice while Harper glared daggers at him. "No," she sighed, gently squeezing his hand on her shoulder before groaning.

Jay sighed, leaning against the desk, here wasn't the only place he did that. "Ass off my desk Halstead," Harper harshly said, while Jay looked at her weirdly, chalking it up to her incessant anger. "The dumbass covered the damn bug on the water sprinkler with his coat," she whined and Jay chuckled, shaking his head amusedly. She was always so hot when she got angry.

"Don't even laugh, that's not funny at all," Harper chastised, but she could feel a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth as Jay broke out into a goofy smile. She shook her head, Jay Halstead was the only one who could put up with her attitude without making her more angry. "Don't beat yourself up about it, we can reinstall it later," he said while Harper nodded. "I'm going to go take a shower, we have to go to lunch in fifteen minutes, you can get dressed," she explained.

"I'll leave the bathroom unlocked if you need anything," she said. "And I'll be the perfect gentleman," Jay smirked while Harper smacked his arm. Despite Jay's smug comment, his heart swelled in pride at how much she trusted him, knowing that she didn't trust men easily. After 10 minutes, Harper came out of the shower in a minidress so she they could have lunch, with a teasing smile on her face, her mood had turned for the best.

"Jay," she teased, grabbing her clutch. "You're wearing that to lunch?" he said, his eyes widening, it was a pretty white lace dress and she looked gorgeous but he was surprised she would wear that to lunch. "Yeah, I'm not really a sundress type of girl," she said with a smirk while Jay narrowed his eyes at her. "What did you find in the bathroom?" he said, knowing damn well she was up to something. "Nothing, just all your skincare products," she teased while Jay threw her a dirty look.

"No wonder why you have such perfect skin, you have more products than me," she said a soft smirk covering her face. He shook his head, "What were you expecting" Jay asked, playing along. "I don't know maybe a 3-in-one thing," she said, smiling at him. "Now I feel offended," Jay pouted while they walked out, hand in hand. "What? Your bedroom is all black like any other man with a 3-in-one body wash," she defended.

"Yeah, yeah, says the girl who leaves her stuff everywhere in the bathroom, you do more damage than Erin," Jay said, while Harper threw her head back laughing before understanding the weight of his words. He was completely over Erin, not even giving a thought about it before using her name in a sentence. 

Jay smiled, Harper was so  different than Erin, she made a mess but it was a mess different from Erin's, and they connection they had wasn't even a match against what he had against Erin. Jay smiled, draping his arms over Harper's shoulders and her breath caught in her throat as she noticed how well the green button down shirt he was wearing brought out his eyes.

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