Chapter 36. Dove

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Going back to Hogwarts was not something Scarlett was looking forward to. The pressure of O.W.Ls looming, her massive amounts of classwork and Umbridge in general were hard to think of without wanting to run away and not look back.

Scarlett was just happy there was some stuff to be excited about. She had checked up on the weather reports and there was set to be a storm the day after they got back to school.

Dumbledore's Army meetings were also resuming, even though Malfoy and the rest of the inquisitorial squad were always stalking them.

Getting off the train in Hogsmeade was bittersweet, but at least she had her amazing friends and Fred to make it better. George seemed to be the most upset, having to leave Celeste made him grumpy.

Nothing serious had been made official between them, considering they lived countries apart but the chemistry was definitely there.

The day of classes when they got back made Scarlett want to jump off the astronomy tower, almost every class had given her multiple homework assignments. She spent her lunch break multitasking, eating and working on her charms paper.

The end of classes came painfully slow and Scarlett made her way to the library. Normally it was her favorite place, but lately she was beginning to resent it.

Fred would normally saunter in with a devious smile and try and distract her, but he was nowhere to be found. Scarlett's hand began to cramp as she wrote as fast as she could.

When her hand was in pain and her back was sore she decided to take a break for dinner. She left for the great hall, her stomach rumbling as she had barely eaten at lunch due to the fact she was writing.

She sat next to Cho at the Ravenclaw table, the Asian girl didn't seem to even notice her as she was deep in conversation with Harry. She grinned, scooping some mashed potatoes onto her plate. Rowan eventually joined them, complaining about the extensive workload.

"I'm going to break my hand from all this writing." The Scottish girl groaned, cutting into her chicken.

"The knots in my back have knots!"

"I might just drop out and work at a pub or something. Screw Umbridge and her useless assignments!"

Scarlett chuckled, "that doesn't sound too bad right now."

After dinner Scarlett hastily made her way to the dorms. She had to get ready for the lightning storm, Harry had been a saint and let her have the cloak. She mentally prepared herself, if all went well she would be an animagus by the end of the night.

She was terrified but tried to calm herself down. In order to transform you have to calm or the animal could do something dangerous. Scarlett sat on her bed, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Just then, a rumble of thunder filled the room. Quickly she sat up grabbing the cloak and her wand.

She raced out of the room, not stopping until she reached the Gryffindor common room. As she entered she hastily looked around for Fred. He was sitting on the couch, chatting with Lee. She tapped his shoulder, "the storm Fred."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Just as he was about to question her, he remembered. "Right now?"

"Yes right now! Are you coming? "

"Obviously," he sprung up from the couch, "I'll be back later Lee, tell George not to eat my chocolate frogs."

Scarlett grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of the common room. As soon as they were out of the room, she shielded them with the invisibility cloak.

It wasn't past curfew, but she didn't want anyone to see them leave. They made it silently down the stairs and out the doors, undetected.

The rain was coming down hard and the journey into the forest at night was heart wrenching, but Scarlett was ready. When they passed the tree line she removed the cloak, letting the rain hit them. "Scarlett please don't mess up, how will I explain your death!"

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