Chapter 76. Crystals

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A/N I don't know a lot about crystals, barely anything actually. I did some research for this so apologies in advance if it's wrong, but s/o k00k13k8 for being the crystal queen and inspiration for this. Enjoy lovelies, xoxo Amy.

"I don't understand why you insist on hiding from everyone, always such a hermit you are."

"Why would I want to be around all of those people when I could just stay here and kiss you endlessly until we grow old and shrivel up."

"That sounds ideal but I'd get hungry and you'd get bored. Plus we can always kiss after we help Charlie set up the giant tent."

She groaned, hiding her face under the duvet. "The man trains dragons and can't put up a tent himself? Pathetic."

"I know, me Charlie Weasley, the most pathetic Weasley there is." Scarlett was almost too afraid to take the blanket off, she hadn't known Charlie had entered the room.

"Sorry Charlie," she squeaked, "I didn't mean your pathetic, if anything I'm the pathetic one who can't even get out of this bed and I-"

"No need to ramble, I just came up here to tell you mum asked if you'd help bake and I've got good news."

"Good news?" her eyes peeked out slowly.

"Margot's going to be my date to the wedding.

She threw the blanket off, "thank Merlin. For a moment I thought you'd scared her off with all the dragon talk."

"Hey," he fake pouted, "my dragons are cool."

"Yes Charlie, yes they are," Fred nodded, "now can you leave because me and Scarlett have some un-"

Charlie held up his arms and backed out slowly, "say no more little brother, I'm out."

When the door was shut and he was gone Fred fell back into the mattress, Scarlett turning to face him. "Unfinished business you say?"

"Unfinished business indeed." He spun them around to a better angle, holding her head softly in his hands as they shared gentle kiss.

Scarlett smiled as he pulled away, "you're mum is making too much food, do we really need all those cupcakes?"

"Should've seen her at Percy's graduation party. The woman is mad."

"Maybe, but I suppose we should go help."

"I can't believe Bill's getting married."

After convincing each other to get out of the warm bed they made their way downstairs to contribute to the wedding preparations. As the summer sun hit down on them they cooked, baked, set up tables, cleaned already clean areas and everything in between. It was tiring work but by the end of the long day everything was perfect, and up to Fleur's standards.

She was so excited to be wed, giggling and practically floating around the Burrow. Scarlett was excited for her, and Bill, they seemed like a truly happy couple. The way they looked at each with such admiration was heartwarming. That's why she didn't mind trudging around the property and hanging dainty string lights.

The golden trio and her work was put to rest when the minister of magic himself showed up at the Weasley residence. He called the four over and they trudged into the house, Scarlett's palms getting clammy. Being near the minister made her uncomfortable for many reasons, firstly she was an unregistered animagus, secondly she knew Voldemort was trying to infiltrate the ministry and lastly, he always had a distasteful scowl upon his wrinkled face.

They sat around the living room as the man began, "Here is the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First Ronald Bilius Weasley I leave my deluminator, a device of my own creation in hope that when things seem most dark it will show him the light." He handed Ron the object.

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