Chapter 66. Goldstein

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"First off, we never speak of this to anyone."

"Obviously. Do we do this magically or physically or we could do both?"

"Both sounds good to me. We can smash it first."

"Alright so," he paused and lowered his voice to a whisper, "do you hear that?"

"Run." She grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from the vanishing cabinet just as the footsteps seemed to be getting closer. Scarlett didn't know who was there, all she knew was that they needed to leave. She circled around a large pile of rubbish and found a secondary exit. Not looking back they ran through the door, sprinting to Gryffindor tower.

"Hippogriff," Harry breathed the password to the fat lady.

She sat on the couch to catch her breath, "we'll never catch a break, will we?"

"Nope. At least we'll be exhausted together."

"What happened to you both?" Ron questioned, noticing their arrival first.

"We were almost mauled to death by a Pygmy Puff, it was traumatizing." Scarlett joked.

"Hilarious, but did you get rid of the book?"

"Yes, it's gone for good."

Ginny joined the conversation, "great, now let's go to dinner because I'm starving."

After dinner Scarlett had another legilimency lesson, they were finally going to be starting thought reading as she mastered memories. As she walked along the dimly lit halls she became nervous, the last time she had seen Snape was in the bathroom with Draco. She rubbed her mood stone, praying to Merlin Snape wouldn't mention the encounter.

The rock flashed the color of scared. She was scared, nothing was ever as it should be anymore. Unfortunately the rock didn't show Fred's mood, Scarlett figured he must've been busy. She pushed open the office door, ready to learn how to read people's thoughts.

The room was dark as usual and Snape had an unreadable frown upon his pale face. As per usual they jumped into the lesson, "thought reading may be easier due to the fact that you aren't delving as deep into the mind. You are only listening to what is on the surface. It is however time consuming."

She nodded as he continued, "based on the rate in which you are learning we can make significant progress if you focus tonight. If you stay extra time you may even be able to hear a thought or two."

"I'll practice as long as necessary."

"You know what to do, just focus on entering my wave of thought. Clear your mind of distraction." he paused for a moment, "begin."

"Legilimens." She had to focus on thoughts instead of memories this time. For a while nothing happened. Snape stood still as she stopped, refocusing and taking a deep breath. "Legilimens." Every fiber of her being dedicated itself to Snape's thoughts. Nothing again.

"Focus. I can not tell your progress as it is my mind you are listening to, however I can listen to yours. You're distracted."

"Sorry, professor." She shook off her nerves.

"There is no time for sorry."

She closed her eyes, thinking of nothing. It was a blank slate, just how she needed it to be. "Legilimens." Once again she focused as hard as humanly possible. At first there was nothing, then there was a faint whisper. She focused more and it grew louder. The words were still unclear but they were there regardless.

"Excellent. Try again."

Deep breath. "Legilimens." The whisper immediately began as she pushed to listen. It grew louder, forming into a monotone voice she knew all too well. Still there were no words. Stopping once more she cleared her mind, erasing any lingering thoughts. "Legilimens." The words went louder and louder, filling her brain. Snape's voice became clear, there were words she just couldn't understand them.

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