Chapter 8. Feelings

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The awkward silence was broken by Ron, who cleared his throat and asked if they wanted to continue the game. Scarlett's whole body was on fire, but she decided not to spoil the fun and keep playing. "Cynthia, would you rather run around the whole school declaring your love for Flitwick, or lick Mrs. Norris." Scarlett asked her.

"Lick the Cat, Flitwick would probably kill me." Cynthia giggled.

The idea of only drinking if you could answer the question was thrown out the window and the bottle was empty by the time everyone went to sleep. Fred was in a strange mood after the question he asked, plus all of the shots he took added to it.

He would go from really giddy and hyper to snapping at little things in a matter of seconds. Scarlett could hold her alcohol well but only took a couple shots. She wanted to talk to Fred before she left, sober.

The game was finished and the Ravenclaws decided to head back to the common room. Cynthia and Luna helped drag Rowan, who had way too much to drink, back to the common room while Scarlett stayed behind for a moment to talk to Fred.

"Freddie, what's going on with you?" Scarlett wasn't sure how far she would get with the slightly intoxicated boy, but she assumed his mood wasn't only due to the drink running through his blood stream.

Fred smiled, "You my dear, are asking nonsense questions. I am perfectly normal."

"You've been acting a bit strange, I thought we had a good day?"

"I told you!" Here was the other side of drunk Fred, "Nothing is up. You're just over-analysing everything. Chill the bloody hell out would you!" His tone was sharp and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

"I wanted to have a conversation with you, but you obviously won't listen so I'll be on my merry way." Her tone stayed calm, she wouldn't let bipolar Fred see her upset. Walking to the portrait with her arms crossed, she almost continued her thought, but dropped it.

"Bold of you to assume I care! Go talk to Ivan instead, he'll listen!" Fred's tone became more evil with every word.

"Good night Fred." Her voice shook as she pushed open the door.

"Don't let the portrait hit you on the way out!" He gave a final sneer.

Scarlett wasn't used to Fred talking to her this way and tears formed in her eyes. Swallowing her sobs instead of letting them out she walked down the hall. She was halfway down the corridor when Fred emerged calling her name. "Wait Scar! Come back!" He called, not caring it was the middle of the night and he might get in trouble.

Scarlett wiped her tears and turned around. She could be many things, but she wasn't a push over. Her mother raised her to not accept mistreatment from boys. "Fred you listen to me. You are clearly drunk. I am not dealing with your shit. Go back into your dorm and sleep it off, don't talk to me until you're ready to act your bloody age." Her voice came out clearer than ever and her tone was stern. She continued walking down the hall.

"Scarlett please just wait! I can explain."

"I don't need a drunken explanation Fred. I need you to let me go."

"You don't understand, I could never let you go. Especially not when you're mad at me." Fred seemed to be sobering up and Scarlett stopped in her tracks.

She contemplated staying and hearing him out, but her head was pounding and she wanted to rest. "Fred Weasley. I'm not mad, just hurt and confused. I want to listen to what you have to say, just not yet."

Fred was desperate, "Please don't walk away. Please." His voice cracked.

"Goodnight Freddie." Scarlett whispered.

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon