Chapter 62. Burn

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Christmas morning Scarlett woke up in Fred's bed with Darts on her lap. She was surprised to be the first one awake but excited regardless, even with the threat of something happening still in the air. She was too impatient to let Fred sleep, waking him up with a shake. "Happy Christmas Freddie." She grinned.

Fred sat up with a yawn, "happy Christmas love. Happy Christmas to you too Darts." He scratched the white cat's chin.

"What time is it?"

Fred glanced at the clock, "6:30 you're the one who woke me up."

"I changed my mind, it's too early. Can we go back to sleep?"

"How about we cuddle until someone else wakes up instead."

"Fine," she settled her head on Fred's chest, drawing circles around his tattoo. "I wish we could stay like this forever instead of having to leave each other all the time. As much as I love school, I hate the separation."

"Just a year and a half and you'll be free to do whatever you want. We can start saving for our cabin, actually I've been saving but still."

"Strange we met when I was fifteen and you were sixteen. That feels like forever ago. I've been saving too by the way, Witch Weekly pays me more than I know what to do with."

Fred climbed out of the bed, much to Scarlett's dismay. "I'm going to shower."

"Why," she groaned, "I was so comfortable."

"You can come with me," the ginger wiggled his eyebrows.

Scarlett took the offer with serious consideration. "What if someone wakes up or walks in, that'd be mortifying."

"It's worth the risk. Are you actually considering it?" Fred seemed surprised as he dug around in his clean clothes. "Did you take my red jumper?"

"No actually, you must've left it at your place."

He picked up his pile of garments, "oh, well I'm going to start the water."

Scarlett got out of the bed as Fred left the room. She dug through her own clothes, picking a pair of jeans and sweater. After giving it another moment of thought she entered the bathroom, Fred was already in the steaming shower with the curtain closed. "You know," she could hear the smile in his voice, "I didn't think you'd actually come."

She locked the door, "shut up before I change my mind." She stepped out of her pajamas and opened the maroon curtain. Fred faced the stream as he rubbed soap through his scalp, his back muscles flexing. Butterflies ran up her core as she stepped in. "Turn up the hot water, it's freezing."

"If it goes any hotter you'll burn, do you always shower like that?"

"If your skin isn't red and steaming by the time you get out, did you really even shower?"

He obliged anyway turning up the hot water, "too bad it's so dark in here, I'm sure the view's better in the light."

"Don't make this weird."

She reached for the shampoo but Fred took it from her wet hands, "let me." He opened the bottle and poured the pink liquid into his large hands, Scarlett turned around and faced the hot stream of water. Lathering her black and silver hair he massaged her scalp. Scarlett couldn't deny it, she was glad she came.

After a few minutes she turned back around, facing him to let the shampoo rinse out. Her head tilted back and Fred stepped forward, lifting a hand to her jaw. "Remind me to thank your parents next time I see them."

"Why?" She rubbed out the last bit of soap.

"They made you," He leaned down and Scarlett brought her own hands to grasp his shoulders. Scarlett couldn't help but think of how cliche the whole experience was as they kissed, a troupe she'd read one too many times. Although cliche she loved it, there was no other way she'd rather spend her morning.

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