Chapter 43. Sirius

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Scarlett and the rest of the group were each being held by a different death eater. Scarlett didn't know the name of the one holding her, but he wreaked something foul and was holding her neck so hard she could barely breathe. Harry stood in the center as Lucius took the prophecy from him, holding it up to show victory.

A new feeling formed in her stomach, it was like the fire but pleasant. It was like how she felt when she hugged Fred, or got a good grade on a difficult assignment but ten times better. Putting the pieces together she looked around, Sirius Black.

"Get away from the godson!" The man warned Lucius, throwing a hard punched that knocked him to the ground. All at once a group of bright flashing lights flew around the room, just like the death eaters had. Scarlett was released just as Lucius failed to catch the prophecy, breaking it into pieces.

This amazing new feeling was strange, but it only intensified as the bright lights landed, exposing the order. Scarlett's heart was racing now, this time with excitement. The situation they were in was dangerous, but with The Order triggering her power Scarlett felt elated. Tonks, Kingsley, Madeye and Remus looked powerful as ever just as the dueling began.

The group of students hid behind a rock while the adults and Harry began to battle. They all wanted to help but all they could do for now was watch. Harry and Sirius stood in the middle of the room, fighting Lucius and another dark wizard.

Scarlett had enough of sitting around, pulling her wand out and shooting silent spells at the death eaters. A few of them worked, managing to disarm or stupefy them. Spells were rapid fire all around her, but Harry and Sirius had Scarlett's attention.

Harry managed to disarm Lucius Malfoy. "Nice one James!" Sirius called out, earning a smile from Harry. The joy was short-lived as Bellatrix Lestrange stood on a boulder and lifted her wand.

Scarlett saw it, reacting as fast as she could. Standing up she tried to petrify her, but Bellatrix was quicker. "Crucio!" The worst pain Scarlett had ever felt scorched through her body. She couldn't move or think, all she could do was fall to the ground and feel the pain. Scarlett thought her limbs were being torn apart and set on fire.

"Stupefy!" Sirius shot the spell at his deranged cousin, causing her to fall back off the rock.

Scarlett could feel the spell stop, but the pain was still there as she laid on the ground, struggling to breathe.

Tonks ran up to her, "are you all alright?" The woman knelt beside her as Scarlett recuperated, protecting them both from attacks.

Scarlett only nodded as she could hear Sirius and Harry talking behind a rock, taking cover. "It was brave of you to come tonight Harry."

"I was wrong, we would all be safe if I didn't."

"At least we get to spend some quality time together."

The comment caused a small chuckle from Harry as he deflected an attack, "when this is all over it'll be us two, just like it's supposed to be."

"I'd like that Harry."

Scarlett was able to stand up, the pain turning into a dull sting. Bellatrix didn't seem to be finished, as soon as Scarlett stood up she sent attack after attack her way. "You filthy mudblood! How dare you even look at me!"

"You're messing with the wrong mudblood!" Scarlett pointed out her wand, "Impedimenta! Expulso!" The double jinxes shot at Bellatrix, causing her to stop moving and fly up against the boulder.

Scarlett used the opportunity to run to Harry and Sirius. She stayed behind the boulder, not interrupting their conversation. The godfather and godson passed the time talking and dueling at the same time, until Lucius approached them again.

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