Chapter 31. Leaf

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It had taken them a while to find a place to hold the meeting. But Neville had luckily stumbled upon the room of requirement. Hermione and Scarlett were the only two to know what it was as they stood in the doorway.

It was the perfect place to hold the meetings as Umbridge had decided to add a new decree, all groups, clubs and organizations were to be disbanded. This was just a minor set back as anything Umbridge said was useless in their eyes. The woman deserved no respect.

So it was official, the meetings were to be held once a week in the secret room. Hermione had also let Scarlett know that there was a jinx placed on the parchment everyone signed, if they were to blab something awful would happen to them.

The first meeting went by rather smoothly. Except Neville was having quite a bit of trouble with Expelliarmus. Scarlett had mastered the spell in third year, solely for the purpose she saw a fifth year do it and wanted to try it herself.

"Don't worry Neville, it just takes a bit of practice." She could tell the boy was getting discouraged.

"I know, it's just annoying that I can't do it when that second year can."

Stewart, who was now in his second year, had also been invited to join the meetings. He was probably the most trustworthy person there, and he was quite good at his spells. Luna helped him out and he managed to keep up with even the oldest students.

"I'm sure you'll get it. We can practice in the forest before the next meeting if you want."

"Really? I don't want to bother you."

"Yes Neville, I'm glad to help." Her offer seemed to give Neville something to look forward to. For the rest of the session he didn't give up or put himself down.

When the meeting ended and everyone was rather pleased with themselves. Even if classes were dull and they had no control, the defense lesson brightened up their week. Fred and Scarlett left the room of requirement together.

"So darling, how about a sleepover?"

"I have patrol tonight, but I'll come up afterwards."

"Bloody prefect duties," Fred sighed.

Scarlett reported to Flitwick with the other Ravenclaw prefect. She had to patrol the section of the school near the library.

It wasn't a bad place to be sent, but it was rather boring. As Scarlett walked up and down the empty corridors, she finished the last chapter of her most recent Animagus book.

Closing the book she came to a decision. During the time she had spent at the school so far this year, she learned loads about the transformation process. She had taken notes on everything, even doing research on where to find the supplies needed.

Scarlett decided she was going to become an Animagus. The only person who knew about her recent fascination was Fred and he still didn't approve. For the rest of the shift she came up with different ways she was to break the news to her boyfriend.

After scolding her last pair of fourth years for being out past curfew, she reported back to Flitwick. Before heading to the Gryffindor tower she decided to go to her dorm first. "Hey guys." She greeted her friends.

"Hi Scar, how was your little patrol duty." Cynthia teased.

"Boring. Only a few people passed by and the library hallway is always freezing." She put the finished book back in her trunk.

"We need a girl's day soon. I feel like we haven't spent much time together recently." Rowan shook her disappointedly.

"Maybe because you-" she threw a pillow at the Scottish girl "-spend all your time snogging Lee."

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