Chapter 48. Scores

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Scarlett was standing with the other fifth years at the Burrow clutching her Hogwarts envelope. Inside contained her O.W.L results. It was a relief for them to finally come as it was just a couple days before the first of august and she hadn't heard from the woman at Witch Weekly.

In a silent agreement they tore the letters open at the same time. Before they could even pull the paper out, Hermione stopped them. "I'm sure I failed, this is going to be no good."

"Hermione, if you think you failed then the rest are doomed." Ron rolled his eyes.

"I'm opening mine." Shakily Scarlett opened the letter, peering down at the grades. Her heart dropped to her stomach and lifted her throat, there on her paper was ten perfect Outstanding O.W.Ls.

The others were looking at their own papers, Hermione looking slightly defeated. She wanted to be happy for her own results, but bragging was the farthest thing from her mind. In a swift motion she shoved the parchment into her shorts pocket, waiting for someone to break the silence.

"I've only failed Divination and History Of Magic, who needs those anyways." Ron grinned, motioning for Harry to swap with him. "I knew you'd get top of Defense, we've done alright haven't we?"

"Brilliant job! Seven O.W.Ls is more than the twins got combined!" Molly patted her youngest son on the back.

The attention was turned to Hermione now as she still hadn't let go of her paper or looked back to the group. "Hermione, how'd you do?" Questioned Ginny.

"I did fine." Her voice was small.

"Rubbish," Ron took her paper, "yup nine Outstanding O.W.Ls and an E in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Are you seriously upset?" Hermione shook her head as Harry grinned.

Scarlett still hadn't managed to speak either, she had done better than Hermione. The brunette seemed disappointed in herself enough and Scarlett didn't want to rub it in her face that she had gotten perfect scores, even if it was only one more O.

"Okay Scar, what about you?" Harry nodded to her.

She swallowed harshly, "I did quite alright. Not bad."

"Can we see?" Ron started closer to her.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Hermione's small voice spoke once more, "why not?"

"Because I-" Before she could finish her sentence Fred had entered the room, snagging the parchment from her back pocket. He chuckled as he read the results and Scarlett blushed.

"Impressive love, why hide it." Fred winked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well then, what'd she get!" Ron snapped.

Scarlett's face was in her hands as Fred spoke against her will, "Bomb Girl got perfect O.W.Ls. Ten out of ten, outstanding." Eyes around the room went wide at the news Scarlett had chosen to hide.

"Bloody hell, you did better than Hermione?" Luckily Ron was in arms reach now, Scarlett hitting him in the arm with a scowl.

"Well done Scarlett, you were always so good in the DA meetings." Hermione managed to give her a smile through her own shock.

"Suppose we're all N.E.W.T students then?" Ron chuckled.

After the shock of her scores settled in, she was quite proud of herself. Even though she didn't brag to the others she had busted her back to get the scores she had gotten, and the best part was she could take the internship now.

Speaking of the internship, while they were sitting at the table another owl came. It was the same owl that had delivered the first letter from Daisy Bablottle. Seeing the flying creature made Scarlett quite nervous, it could only be one reason the bird had come.

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