Chapter 64. Won-Won

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Scarlett had been spending a lot more time with Pansy along with Hermione and Cho. Pansy had a wild side the other girls loved, letting loose around her was easy. Even for Hermione who was still dealing with Lavender and Won Won.

Even with all the late nights and rounds of truth or dare Scarlett stayed on top of her school work, legilimency, writing for witch weekly and began apparition lessons. She attributed her success to her lord and savior, caffeine.

    Scarlett had just finished an late lesson with Snape when she got the feeling again. She was walking up the steps from the dungeons when it ignited, making her grip the railing. "I'll be damned, someone's in danger. What's new?" She groaned, forcing herself up the stairs despite the pain.

    "Hey Scarlett," Luna bumped into her, "wanna come with me to-"

    "I'm sorry Luna, I have something urgent to attend to."

    "Alright, I've always liked goats. Funny creatures."

    "Night Luna," Scarlett shook her head, wondering what goats had to do with anything.

    Once up the many flights the intuition guided her, one of the perks from its evolution she figured. She ran, sensing she was getting closer and closer to the scene. Bursting open the door to Slughorn's office she discovered Ron laying on the floor choking while Harry frantically looked for a solution to the problem.

    "Scarlett, Ron he's been poisoned!" Harry watched her run to Ron's side.

    "Goat stones! What are they called? Bloody hell-" She felt Ron's pulse.

    "Bezoar! Here," Harry ran to one of Slughorn's cabinets. Scarlett grabbed the stone, shoving down Ron's throat. "Scarlett you're a bloody genius, I love you."

    "It hasn't worked yet, come on Ron just breathe." She clamped a hand over his mouth. Just then his body relaxed, his breathing returning slowly to normal. "Luna said something to me about goats on the stairs, without her I don't know-"

    "Take the compliment because I know what brought you here." Harry punched her shoulder playfully.

    "It hurt like a, whatever-" She looked at Slughorn, "let's just call it dumb luck."

    Ron was still catching his breath, looking up at Harry and Scarlett. "These girls," he heaved, "they're gonna kill me."

    "Who's love potion was it then?" Scarlett asked as Ron laid back down.

Harry shook his head, "Romilda Vane, how'd you know?"

    "Let's call it dumb luck, Ron needs to get to the hospital wing."

    The next morning everyone was in panic. Hermione came running when Scarlett told her what happened, refusing to leave his bedside. It would've been romantic if Ron didn't have a girlfriend and the two hadn't been feuding for weeks. Ginny was there too, watching her sleeping brother. Nonetheless Dumbledore and McGonagall stood along with Madam Pomfrey, Snape and Slughorn in the hospital wing, analyzing the situation at hand.

    "It was clever of Scarlett and Harry to think of a bezoar and act so quick. You must be proud of your top students, Horace." Dumbledore nodded.

    "Why yes of-"

    "While we agree, their actions were heroic. We must ask ourselves why they were necessary!"

    "Why indeed? This looks like a gift, do you recall who gave it to you?" He took the bottle, "smells of cherry when not diluted with poison."

    He passed the bottle onto Snape as Slughorn explained, "Well you see, I intended to give it as a gift myself. To you, Headmaster." The man's face portrayed concern as well as confusion.

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