Chapter 77. Coffee

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As the night went on the music got louder and the dancing began. Dresses swished around the floor as bodies twisted and swayed to the serene songs and glasses clinked as guests drank. The lights and stars twinkled in synchronicity as Fred led Scarlett to the middle of the room, kissing her hand with a slight bow.

"Since when are you a proper gentleman?" She giggled.

He smirked, "well I need to impress you, especially since I have news." His hands cupped her waist and hers went to his shoulders as a slow song began.

"Good news?"

"Of course, who would I be to give bad news at my brother's wedding?"

"Well," he spun her around, "I was just making sure."

"Wait," Fred gasped, "what is Viktor Krum doing here?"

"What?" She dropped her arms and turned around, sure enough Viktor was sitting alone at a table, sipping a clear drink. "I wonder if he's seen Hermione." Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for her brunette best friend. "Oh my Godric, look."

"Seems as if Ronniekins has finally manned up by the looks of it," he chuckled, "Viktor will be lucky to get a greeting in."

Scarlett watched as Ron and Hermione laughed and danced with each other, a blush on both of their cheeks. It was quite adorable, especially taking into consideration how much she knew Hermione liked the boy. When they were done spying they went back into position, finishing the dance.

"Fancy a piece of wedding cake?" Fred held his hand out once more.

"I don't know, I don't want to spill any on my dress." She looked down, hiding her smile.


"I'm just kidding, of course I do."

They made their way through the sea of guests, smiling at the tns of familiar faces. Luna and Ginny were twirling about in a manner that was definitely Luna's doing, her father admiring nearby. Molly and Arthur were standing close as they had just finished a dance as well, speaking to some of the aurors that had come as protection. Charlie kissed a smiling Margot on the cheek and pulled her enthusiastically onto the floor as a faster song played. Bill and Fleur were surrounded in a circle, guests clapping as they danced lovingly. The whole scene was perfect.

Fred took to plates, placing a piece of white cake on each and handing one to her. "Can I tell you my good news now?"

"Of course, I'm dying to know."

"Finally," he playfully rolled his eyes, "remember the place I took you to see star-"

"Scarlett!" Hermione ran up to them, "you'll never believe what just happened! Ron and I we-"

"Hermione we watched the whole thing." Fred scowled, "about time too."

"Oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" She smoothed out her curls awkwardly.

"No, not at all." Fred wrapped an arm around Scarlett's waist, "did you know Viktor Krum is here?"

"Oh Merlin, that's why Ron is acting so strange." She walked off, "I'll see you later."

When she was far enough away Scarlett turned to Fred who was grinning as if he had won an nonexistent battle. "What's the news then?"

"I don't want to tell you now."


"It just doesn't feel like the right time, too many interruptions."

"Fred, has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be?" She took a bite of her cake.

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