Chapter 4. Darling

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After the day at the greenhouse, the group of Ravenclaws grew much closer to the Gryffindors. They would hang out at meal times or by the lake, even at the occasional party the houses took turns throwing.

September flew by, the ground was covered in leaves and the trees were almost bare. Harry and Cho were still awkward as ever, but a new romance was brewing. Rowan and Lee had been caught together multiple times.

One day Scarlett and Cynthia entered the common room to find them making out on the couch. Naturally it was a private moment between them, so the whole friend group knew within the hour. The group also had their suspicions about their third year friend, she kept sneaking off but gave no details.

Fred and Scarlett hadn't had much opportunity to be alone together, just when Scarlett thought she had a chance to get him alone she was interrupted.

It was now the second week of October and the Ravenclaw girls were at the lake with Hermione and Ginny. They had just finished classes for the day. "So Luna, we're dying to know where you keep going." Rowan questioned the 13 year old.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Luna said in her soft voice. She could deny it all she wanted, but the blush on her cheeks spoke for her.

Cynthia grinned, "Just promise you'll tell us when you're ready, we're dying to know!" Whenever Luna wasn't around, the girls made up stories about where she could be, Once Rowan suggested she was sneaking off to see a house elf.

Luna smiled, "I promise, even though there isn't much to tell. So Scarlett, how's Fred?" She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

Scarlett sighed, "There's not much to tell either, you've been around for everything, we haven't been alone together."

Scarlett had been trying to get Fred alone, she was hoping to go pranking or talk with him by the lake. Her attempts were unsuccessful. "He may be avoiding me."

It was Ginny's turn to voice her opinion, "Oh please, Fred isn't avoiding you! In fact he's probably moping around the common room wishing he was with you! Actually I KNOW he's moping around the common. He honestly might be experiencing withdrawals." The ginger grinned.

This was news to Scarlett. She really wanted to see Fred and this was her push to do something about it, "Are you serious?" She questioned the girl, a hopeful look in her green eyes.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a wand in my eye." Ginny laughed in response.

"Go get him Scarlett, what are you waiting for!" Hermione nudged her shoulder.

Scarlett got butterflies, even if they were just friends she was excited to go spend time with him. "You guys don't mind if I leave then?" As much as she wanted to run back to the castle, she felt bad leaving her friends.

"You're seriously asking? Just go!" Cho motioned towards the castle. The rest of the girls nodded at her, giggling.

"Thank you Ginny!" She cried and started in a run towards the castle. She didn't want to waste time, in case Fred left.

Ginny laughed, "The password is "Pumpkin Juice!"lThe third year yelled, just before Scarlett was out of sight.

Scarlett ran all the way to Gryffindor tower. By the time she reached the portrait, she felt as if she was going to collapse. "Pumpkin Juice!" She wheezed at the Fat Lady.

"You're not a Gryffindor!" The portrait scoffed.

"Please, don't you remember me, I'm here to see Fred!" She pleaded with the portrait.

The Fat Lady squinted her eyes, " Ahh yes, I remember now. Fine you can come in, just don't tell Minerva on me!" With that, the door swung open. Scarlett stepped inside the red room and looked around.

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