Chapter 67. Glitter

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"You've done it."

"I actually did it."

"One last time, listen to what I'm thinking and repeat it back to me. Silently of course."

She clutched her wand, staring into his brain. The months of practicing the skill were what caused the task to be so easy, with or without a verbal command. She read his open mind, or listened to his thoughts as skilled Legilimens like to say. "I am Severus Snape, Hogwarts Professor and Head of Slytherin house." There was no gibberish or unclear noise, just a clear thought. Practicing from January to June had been hard, but worth it.

"You were thinking, I am Severus Snape, Hogwarts professor and Head of Slytherin house."

"Precisely, our lessons here are done. There's nothing more I can teach that that you can't learn from practice."

"Thank you professor, for everything." Scarlett couldn't pretend she was fond of the man at times, especially due to how awful he was to some of her friends, but she was grateful that he took months to teach her such an important skill.

"Of course, use your abilities wisely. See you for class on Monday."

"Yes sir."

She wanted to dance with happiness, she was officially an Occlumens and Legilimens. As much as she wanted to go around and hear everyone's secrets, she knew she was in possession of a dangerous tool if not used properly. So instead she ran to Gryffindor tower, ready to test it out on the trio.

The three were all for it, allowing Scarlett to dig through their heads. She started with Hermione first, combing through her memories of before Hogwarts. She had been a buck-toothed little girl with few friends, but she was precious. Always eager to learn and a yearning for adventure.

She went to her thoughts, the ones forming in her head as Scarlett was inside. "This is so weird, she's listening to me. Maybe she's in my head now, hey Scarlett what's up? See anything interesting? When you do Ron let me know if he thinks about me. Also, do your homework tonight, it's the last chance before it's due."

She left Hermione's head with a laugh. "Note taken Hermione, I'll do my homework."

"Do me next!" Harry nudged her playfully.

"If you insist, just try and not think anything gross." She sifted through his own memories, most of the ones from before Hogwarts were sad. The Dursley's seemed like awful people, but then she watched his first year at Hogwarts when he got genuinely happy, she saw herself in one of the memories. She was standing in the background as Harry hugged his friends goodbye for the summer.

She moved on to his thoughts, "Scarlett, are you listening because my memories stopped flashing. This is a lot more pleasant than when Snape did it. Anyway this is wicked, when you go back to your dorm can you tell Cho to meet me in the astronomy tower tonight? Only joking, actually no I'm not. Please deliver the message, also I know you don't like talking about it but are you alright? Fred still hasn't written to you, he wrote Ginny and Ron saying he was fine and busy with the shop. Bullocks, sorry."

"I'll deliver your message Harry, and thank you. I'm doing just fine." She wasn't sure what she was to Fred anymore. He'd been ghosting her for four months, four months is quite a long time. She continuously swept the topic under the rug, but it was slowly eating away at her. She had sent him a couple more letters, asking what was going on, and she still rubbed the stone every day. She was still hoping it would miraculously turn into Fred's mood.

"Alright, my turn. Let's see what genius Barnes can do."

"As you wish." Once again she looked into his memories, starting with the earlier ones. Some were sad, moments when he was overlooked due to his older brothers and Harry. Others were happy, like when he received his special award to the school in one of his earliest years at Hogwarts. She smiled at the memory of him meeting Ron, they were adorable little kids.

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