Chapter 74. Attic

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TW: Descriptions of sexual assault. Please read with caution.

The orchard was gorgeous, the shining sun hitting the lush trees. There was a slight breeze as they walked side by side, Scarlett's hands twitching nervously at her sides. Every so often her hand would reach up to fiddle with the metal ring through her nose or tuck her hair behind her ear, but her eyes had other intentions. Shifting ever so slightly to peer at Fred every couple of seconds.

"We both know what happened the other night." He finally spoke as they were far enough away from any potential eavesdroppers.

She bit her bottom lip slightly, "it was a mistake." Scarlett herself wasn't entirely sure if that was true.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I was just wondering if you'd like to look through my memories now." He leaned against the trunk tree, "see if you find anything useful, if you're done hiding from me of course."

"Of course I can, but I must warn you. I may not find what we're looking for and if I do you need to be prepared to cope with it."

"I could say the same for you, I know how much you want it to be someone else's fault, Scarlett."

"I know. Let's get this over with then, shall we?"

"We shall."

She pulled her wand out of her corduroy pants and lifted it to his head. Without speaking she entered his mind, sifting through his memories to find the ones she wanted. Pulling away, she looked at Fred in the eyes, "wait. Before I go meddling through your head, is there anything I shouldn't look at?"

"No," his eyebrows furrowed, "why? Did you see something already?"

"I just wanted to make sure, just in case." Her shoulders shrugged slightly as she raised her wand again.

"Alright then, go on."

Once again she was inside, searching for the night in April. She made it to the beginning, the twins having their nineteenth birthday celebration with their parents. Fred didn't look very happy though, not even as they sang happy birthday. After a few more looks she found it, April tenth.

Around six p.m Fred entered the Leaky Cauldron, greeted by Tom of course. Things were going as usual, Fred getting his drink and slowly sipping it with a disdainful expression. The best part of going inside someone's memories is you can see more than what they originally saw, you can see the entire room they were in, everything behind them and anything happening they couldn't originally pick up on.

Scarlett used this to her advantage, doing a 360 around the pub. It took her awhile before noticing her. Verity sat in the corner of the room, drinking her own butterbeer. She had a newspaper out in front of her face, concealing her wand. It was the perfect scheme, her muttering and wand motions were masked. No one could see her charming the unaware nineteen year old.

Scarlett's heart sped up as Verity put her things down and approached the now dazed man, the man that was still her boyfriend at the time. She put her arm around Fred's chair, leaning in a whispering into his ear. Like a robot Fred stood, paying for his drink and leaving the pub with her.

Verity led him to the shabby flat that was scarcely decorated and hadn't been properly cleaned in an obviously long amount of time. She took him to her bedroom and he sat on the bed, looking extraordinarily out of it. She whispered more into his ear, lifting her wand once again to his chin.

Then she began to undress him, pushing him back onto the mattress and doing the same to herself. Fred hadn't said a word since he talked to Tom, hadn't even changed facial expressions. Scarlett couldn't watch what happened next, skipping forward to the morning after.

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