Chapter 11. Adventure

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Scarlett got the chills as Fred whispered into her ear and walked away. She composed herself and walked to Transfiguration. On her way she saw Neville looking particularly upset. After the night of pranking she and the boy had gotten closer, hanging out from time to time, partnering in class and occasionally walking together.

"Hey Neville. Are you alright mate?" She asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm fine." He struggled to find the words.

"Okay, anything you want to talk about?" She asked.

The boy stopped for a second and thought about it. "I like this girl, and I think she likes me but I can't be sure. She's really cool and I don't wanna screw things up."

"Well why don't you just ask her? If she's that cool then she'll be willing to have a conversation." She reassured the boy as they walked into transfiguration.

"You're right. I'm meeting up with her this weekend. I'll talk to her then."

The pair took their seats and began to work. Before she knew it the day was over and she was on her way to the common room to meet Blaise Zabini. Scarlett was preparing herself because she wasn't sure what to expect from someone who was friends with a snake like Malfoy.

Cynthia had told the group to meet in the common room at 3:30. Scarlett was a bit early so she pulled out her latest novel and began to read. When she was flipping her tenth page the portrait opened and in walked her friends, minus Cynthia. They sat down in various spots around the room.

Rowan informed them that Cynthia was running late, and that she was on her way to get Blaise. When the couple finally walked through the door, hand and hand everyone looked up at them. It was painfully quiet and no one wanted to speak first.

Luna, being the least judgmental, spoke first, "Hi Blaise, it's nice to meet you!" Her soft voice greeted the Slytherin.

The tension broke and the couple sat down. "I'm glad you guys wanted to meet me, I know I probably have a bad reputation but I'm not that bad I swear."

"Well, Cynthia seems happy to have you and that's good enough for us." Cho nodded to Blaise.

The group of friends started to get to know him and he was actually really cool. He was the opposite of Malfoy and didn't mention anything about blood status at all.

A couple hours later they decided to head down for dinner. Blaise sat at the Ravenclaw table, causing Malfoy to send multiple dirty looks their way.

"If Malfoy sends us one more look it's not going to end well." Harry clenched his jaw. Ron gave a curt nod in agreement, he still wasn't speaking to Harry. Everyone tried to tell him he was being thick but he wouldn't listen,

"He didn't take me hanging out with you guys. He can be a real prat sometimes, but my parents like him." Blaise explained just as Malfoy got up from the Slytherin table and walked over.

"Bad enough you're dating her," He pointed to Cynthia, "But now you're sitting with mudbloods and blood traitors? Pathetic."

Blaise stood up, fists clenched, "Malfoy, I take a lot of your shit, but there is no reason for you to disrespect my girlfriend and her friends like that. What'd they do to you huh?"

"They're a disgrace and you know that Zabini."

Blaise got closer to Malfoy and looked down at him, "Get the fuck out of here, before I punch your face in. Or should I have Granger do it, again?" Draco scowled and walked away as Blaise sat back down.

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα