Chapter 10. Truth

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Since the day everyone made their confessions in the Ravenclaw common room and made their escape plans, the large group was excited. It was now the day the three champions were to be picked, and the twins had just finished brewing their potion.

"You know, I don't understand why you're going to all of this trouble to enter a tournament where you could possibly die, besides even if you are picked everyone will be angry." Scarlett tried to reason with the twins.

"I'm not going to listen to you just because you're Freddie's girlfriend." George rolled his eyes at her.

"Lucky for you George, you don't listen anyway. Plus I'm not his girlfriend."

They were in the Gryffindor commons, bottling up the vials of ageing potion. "You should test it for us, make sure it works and all." Fred grinned.

"Fat chance. Imagine if it goes wrong and you stay old forever?" Scarlett knew the boys would fail to see reason, but gave it her best try. The boy's slipped the small tube's in their pockets and the group went down to the Goblet.

The twins got the attention of everyone that surrounded the Goblet, "Well lads, we've done it,"

"Cooked it up just this morning!"

"It's not going to work." Hermione said in a sing-songy voice.

The twins walked up to her on either side.. "Oh yeah? And why is that Granger?" George began.

"Because," She explained, "You see this? This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself. She motioned towards the line.

"So?" Fred questioned.

She scoffed, shutting her book, "So," another scoff, "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a doge as pathetically dim witted as an ageing potion."

"But that's why it's so brilliant,"

"Because it's so pathetically dim witted."

The twins stood up, shaking the vials of potion. Scarlett watched, slightly amused but concerned. "Ready Fred?" George asked.

"Ready George?"
The link arms, "Bottoms up!" They drank the potion and nothing seemed to happen.Everyone cheered as they jumped into the ring. Again nothing happened, so they threw their names into the goblet. They high fived, but just then the goblet shot their names back out and the twins went flying. Landing on the ground, white beards and hair growing.

"You said!"

"You said!" The boys tackled each other. They were going at it as Scarlett and Hermione watched in shock. JUst then the room went silent, Viktor Krum walked in with his headmaster. He put his name in the Goblet, him and Hermione giving each other an almost unnoticeable look.

Viktor walked out of the room. "I saw that Hermione! You and Krum?"

"Of course not!" A slight blush forming on her cheeks. The pair decided to finally help get the twins to the hospital wings. Madam Pomfrey was furious when the two walked in, firstly for drinking the potion and trying to enter the tournament, and secondly for beating each other up. Fred and George both had bruises and scratches from the argument but nothing serious.

When they left the hospital wing, their hair back to normal and bruises healed Fred was disappointed. "I really wanted to enter, I thought the potion would work. Now we're out of time."

Scarlett asked the ginger, "Why does it matter so much anyway?"

"It matters Scar, because the winner gets a thousand galleons. With that money we could've started our joke shop." Fred sighed.

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