Chapter 70. Over

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TW: Slight suggestion towards Eating Disorders, read with caution.

The formal service finally ended with Dumbledore's body in a shiny white tomb. Fitting for him Scarlett thought. When it was over the Centaurs shot arrows into the sky as a sign of respect and the guests made their way to the castle. The house elves had prepared an informal lunch, they were free to take it and eat outside if they so pleased.

"Scarlett! That speech was brilliant, it made me cry." Molly hugged her.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley, it was a bit terrifying. All those people watching me and all."

"Well you did great, but don't think I didn't see you and Fred. What was all that?"

"Honestly I don't know, but if he wants to talk I'm for it." Scarlett decided to be mature, facing her problems head on.

"Alright dear, he's by the water. Goodluck." Molly patted her on the back with a soft motherly smile.

Scarlett's original plan was to let Fred go to her first, but that was now out the window. She had an opportunity in front of her and deemed it foolish to ignore it. Of course she needed to ready herself up first, confrontation was her least favorite pastime. She made her way back to her friends first, wanting to have a plan.

"Scarlett you bloody genius, your speech was brilliant! Everyone loved it." Hermione gushed.

"Thanks Hermione," she gave a half smile, "I think I'm going to talk to Fred."

"Really? Shouldn't he come to you considering he started this whole mess?"

"Probably but I don't care, I need answers."

"Alright, now seems good considering you look stunning. I take it with all that black Cho helped?"

As if on cue the girl, sporting her own similar black attire, approached, "of course I helped, I practically invented the look. But really Scarlett, the speech was amazing."

"Thank you, really it means a lot."

"Sorry to break up the compliment fest," Ginny grinned, "but Fred's alone by the lake so now might be your best shot."

"Alright, I'm going." She took a breath before starting for the water. As she pushed through the crowds she received compliment after compliment but none of it mattered, her eyes were on Fred. More so his back than anything else. The sunlight bounced off the dragon skin. It was probably the sunniest day they'd had in years, Scotland wasn't known for its weather.

There the girl stood, three yards away and nervous as ever. How does one approach their boyfriend they haven't spoken to in six months? As Scarlett watched him from a short distance she had no idea. However her mind racing stopped as he turned around, he was always able to sense her.

Her breathe was cut short as he looked her in the eyes. His were red and puffy, probably from crying. Scarlett hated to admit it but her heart ached to run and hug him. But that wasn't possible, especially considering she couldn't remember how to use her legs.

She wanted to say something but her throat dried and words were useless. They just looked at each other, each with sad faces. Fred was breathtaking, black was definitely his color. Scarlett could have melted, little did she know he was thinking the same thing. She realized what was happening and took a step, no reaction from Fred. Taking it as a sign to keep walking until she stood with him side by side.

From the corner of her eye she could see her friends and Molly's lingering eyes, along with George's. Being so close to the boy who broke her heart was strange, she faced the lake and avoided any more eye contact. Butterflies danced nervously, threatening to exit from her esophagus.

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now