Chapter 39. Career

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Scarlett woke the next morning quite nervous. She had most of her first class, History of Magic, off due to her career advice meeting. She subconsciously dressed rather nice for the occasion.

The spring had brought warm weather so she wore a black dress with a corduroy jacket and her platform oxford's, straightening her hair and applying her makeup liberally.

When she went down to breakfast she was a puddle of anxiety. The future had seemed so far away days before, but now it seemed to be knocking at her front door. She sat with Cynthia and Rowan. The two girls who used to be her closest friends and now it felt as if they were slipping away from her as well.

"Where have you two been lately? I barely see you."

"Us? You're never around either!" Rowan munched on her chocolate chip muffin.

Cynthia smiled at Scarlett, "we've all been busy with bloody O.W.Ls plus you're quite popular these days Scarlett. We can't keep up with you and your fifty friends."

"I don't have fifty friends, you know them all. But you're right studying has been dreadful. Do you guys have your career advice meetings today?"

"I have mine third period, I think I've decided I want to be a healer. I like taking care of people." Cynthia smiled, satisfied she knew what she wanted.

"Mine is last period, I want to work with dragons, Flitwick better give me some good advice. I have no idea where to start."

"Oh Fred's brother Charlie works with dragons! He was at the first task last year, I could write him and tell him about you."

"Really? That'd be awesome. I've always liked the fiery beasts." Rowan giggled, finishing off her muffin.

"What about you Scar, what whimsical career have you chosen?" Cynthia asked as Blaise joined them at the table.

"I don't have a bloody clue, there's too many options. I could literally be anything and I have to choose within two years? How'd you both decide so fast?"

"You don't have to choose, it's just easier to know which N.E.W.Ts to take. I don't know how I know, being a healer just fits I guess." Cynthia replied as Rowan was now working on her second muffin.

She swallowed her bite, "dragons are cool and it's better than working for people like Umbridge. Plus I like the thrill of almost getting burnt to death everyday."

"Anyway," Blaise joined the conversation, "what do you like to do? Then you can narrow it down from there."

"I like to read and write, that's basically all I do. I've read almost every book in the bloody Ravenclaw library, bloody useless now I suppose."

"Well you could open a bookstore or library. You could be a reporter for the daily prophet and write articles. Who knows, if you're good enough you could own your own printing company or magazine. You could also write books if you've got a clever imagination."

Blaise had been the most helpful thus far. "That was actually good advice. Maybe I'll just be a writer, travel around and write whatever I want."

"Glad to see you coming up with ideas, you could also be a professor eventually. Are you interested in teaching? Considering you know everything."

"I don't know about that, I'm not very fond of children and I'd have to live at school most of the year." Being a professor was definitely off the table, having to deal with kids like Fred and George would be a nightmare, and if she had any co-workers like Umbridge she'd lose it.

Scarlett bit into her bagel, pondering the new ideas Blaise had given her. Just then the bell rang and they all stood up, "we're having a girls night on Friday. Us, Luna and Cho. It's mandatory." Scarlett called to her friends as they left the great hall.

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