Chapter 23. Reunion

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A/N this picture kind of reminded me of Scarlett with her new hair. Enjoy the chapter loves, Xoxo Amy.

There standing in her garage, was Fred and George Weasley. "Hello." Fred sheepishly greeted her.

Scarlett decided on anger, "Hello? Hello? You haven't written to me all summer and you show up with a hello? What the bloody hell Fred?"

Fred stepped closer to her, "Your hair is wicked." Fred admired the girl he hadn't seen in too long.

"I know it's wicked Fred! Is that all you have to say? I'm running late." She huffed.

"No he has a lot to say. Trust me, I had to hear him talk about you all summer." George grinned.

"Darling, I promise I have an explanation. You might need to sit down." Fred nodded to her.

"Fine. This better be good Fred Weasley." She sat down on the cold pavement.

"Dumbledore made us, all of us, promise not to write to you or Harry. The ministry isn't admitting to you-know-who's return. Bunch of prats. Dumbledore thought it would be too dangerous for you to know anything."

Scarlett let the new information sink in. She was relieved to know she was being ignored on purpose. "Okay. Why me? I get Harry, but I'm not important."

"Your special gift is rather valuable darling." Fred smirked.

George grinned. "We're here to see if you'll accompany us to our new location,"

"New location? I'd have to ask my parents, I don't know if they'd be keen on me leaving. Plus I'd have to tell Celeste."

"Who's Celeste?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled Scarlett from off the ground.

"You'd know if you had written."

"Dumbledore would've murdered me!" Fred threw his arms up in exasperation.

"Whatever, we need to go to the library and talk to my parents about this whole ordeal."

"Fine." Scarlett was about to walk out of the garage but Fred grabbed her hand and the horrible feeling of apparation overtook her.

They were standing behind the library, Scarlett took the lead. They walked to the front and in the doors. The cool air-conditioned air hit them as they stepped into the library. Scarlett walked to the back room, where she assumed her parents would be. The library didn't actually open for another twenty minutes.

"Mom? Dad?" She called as they entered the back.

"We're in here sweety!" Her mom called as she pushed open the door.

"Guess who the cat dragged in?" Scarlett rolled her eyes as Fred scoffed.

They walked in the room and found Scarlett's parents sorting through new books. Fred was suddenly feeling very nervous t face the adults. On the other hand, George found the situation rather amusing.

"Fred and George." Scarlett stated as her parent's turned around.

Patrick set the books down and looked at Fred, "You better have a good explanation. Scarlett's been heartbroken all summer."

"I was not heartbroken." The Irish girl blushed.

"I promise sir, I never ignored Scarlett on purpose. It's a long story so you may want to sit down."

"Very well," Patrick led the group to a table and they sat down while Saoirse fetched some tea.

"So I wrote Scar one letter. After that Dumbledore told me I couldn't speak to her until further notice. After everything that happened at the end of the year, he said it wouldn't be safe."

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