Chapter 44. Burrow

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Scarlett's joy of being home with her family was short lived. Every morning the Daily Prophet would be delivered to her house, and every morning she was even more scared. When the paper came with a ministry issued warning leaflet, Scarlett was riddled with anxiety.

It had been barely two weeks into the break and Scarlett's parents knew nothing of Voldemort or the attacks, the most recent being a destroyed muggle bridge in London. The Irish girl paced her room, unsure of what to do.

When the pacing became too much she sat down, typing on her typewriter. Scarlett was currently working on another poetry book. She had taken to the genre after writing the book for Fred.

By the time the front door of her house opened, Scarlett had almost forgotten about the decision she had to make. The closing of the door jolted her back to reality, holding up the wand she wasn't even allowed to use. "Scar, we're home." Her mom called, allowing her to take a breath.

She put her type-writer away, deciding it was time. "Mum, Dad I need to talk to you about something really important. You may need to sit down." She approached her parents who were currently in the kitchen, turning on the kettle they had bought after Darts knocked the old one off the counter and broke the lid.

"What is it dear?" Her mother obliged, sitting at the dining table. Her father followed suit.

"There's things happening in the wizarding world right now, bad things. When I was at school, near exam time. Me, Harry and some others left and went to London. There was an attack of people called death eaters, they killed Harry's godfather." She stopped, letting that chunk of information seep in first.

"I'm sorry, you left school to fight dark wizards? And somebody died? Why weren't we informed!" Her father looked absolutely frazzled.

"I didn't want you to worry, we all took care of ourselves. Please listen, there's more to tell."

"Go on then honey, we'll listen." Saoirse encouraged her daughter to continue.

"Voldemort is a powerful wizard, he's basically trying to take over the world. The death eaters are like his minions. There's this whole thing with Harry and it's hard to explain but they need him for something I suppose."

"Voldemort? Was he at the attack?"

"Yes, he and Dumbledore got into a fight as well. He possessed Harry and escaped. Now the death eaters are growing their army, and attacking muggles in the process. A bridge collapsed in London because of them."

"Is Harry alright, I know you said he lives with that awful uncle and aunt."

"He's still grieving, he hasn't written much but I believe he's okay."

"Okay, so why are you telling us all of this now. Is something else wrong?"

"Death eaters hate muggles, and if they find out I'm connected to any of this or Harry they may go after us or you. From now on there are a few precautions we have to take. Whenever I or you enter the house after not seeing each other, we have to ask each other something only we know."

"What do you mean connected?" Patrick's eyes widened. Scarlett forgot she hadn't told her parents about her ability.

"We're just close friends and Voldemort will do anything to get to Harry and Dumbledore. Anyway, when we see each other you have to ask a question only I'll know. You can not forget. If I seem to be acting strange, call this number immediately." On a notepad she wrote the number to the auror office, they kept a muggle phone just in case.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear, but is going to see these people safe? Harry and Fred and the others I mean. What about your school.."

"The wizarding community are taking so many extra precautions, there are aurors everywhere and the school is going to have extra security this year. There's a new minister who seems to be much more serious."

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