Chapter 15. Holidays

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The morning after the Yule Ball was Christmas and Scarlett was beyond excited. Christmas was her Favorite holiday and she got to spend it with her friends and parents this year.

Normally when she was at home for Christmas she and her parent's slept in, but this year she woke up early, After hitting her friends awake with pillow's they got up and went downstairs in their pajamas to open gifts. The Gryffindors joined them with Blaise.

Scarlett got Luna a bunch of new earring supplies, Ginny a Holyhead Harpies sweater and matching gloves, Cho a new eyeshadow palette and some brushes, Cynthia got some new yarn and a couple crochet hooks, she learned about the skill and had been wanting to try it out, magic free.

She gave Hermione a new set of quills as well as a limited edition copy of their favorite muggle book. In the time Scarlett got to know the girl, they realized they had a lot in common, both being muggleborns who loved to read. Rowan owned a record player Scarlett decided to be a bit extra and make her a record with songs Scarlett thought fit her personality.

Scarlett had given all of the boys except Fred a basket of sweets from Honeydukes, she also threw in a new blue t-shirt for Harry because it was an ongoing joke how much he wore his. For Fred she gave him what looked like a normal watch, but it was like a locket. On the inside were two of the pictures from their first date.

Fred had gotten her a necklace that matched the earrings that got caught on her sweater the first time they pranked together. Scarlett loved the necklace and immediately put it on.

After collecting the various gifts Ginny started whispering to Fred and George, sneaking glances at her from time to time. "What are you guys whispering about?"

"Well you know how our mom gives us sweaters every year? George grinned.

"Yeah, considering you guys are wearing them right now."

Fred pulled a beige colored sweater out from his back, "My mom made you one." Fred Blushed and unfolded the sweater to reveal a white S in the middle.

"She didn't! Fred did you tell her too?" Scarlett was over the moon, not everyone got a sweater from Molly Weasley.

"I had nothing to do with it, she sent me a letter asking your favorite color and size. I didn't realize what she was doing until it came in the post." Fred grinned as Scarlett snatched the sweater and pulled it on over her head.

"She must really be excited about you, Charlie probably vouched for you after the first task." Ginny grinned, her sweater was a lavender color with a black G.

They spent some time in the common room together until they headed down for breakfast. Scarlett was eating with her parent's so she just grabbed a cup of coffee and sat with her friends for a while.

When it was around 9, she went back to her dorm and got ready, grabbing the gifts she got for her parents. She would be spending the majority of the day with her family, until the night when she was throwing a little get together with her friends.

When she got to the little Bed and Breakfast her parents were staying at, they were asleep, just as she hoped. Scarlett placed the presents under their mini tree and woke them up. Patrick and Saoirse woke up and wished their daughter a merry Christmas.

They sat around the little Christmas and exchanged gifts. Scarlet's mom wore a scarf almost every day, in the warm weather she would wear thin silk ones. So Scarlett had bought her a bunch of different patterned ones, along with an entire year's worth of the Witch Weekly Magazines. She gave her dad a book all about quidditch and a bottle of his favorite cologne.

The wizarding world books and magazines excited her parents because they were librarians who wanted to know everything about the magical blood that ran through their daughters' veins.

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