Chapter 32. Eat

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A/N This chapter has mentions of bullying, eating disorder behavior, and depression. I am in no way, shape, or form trying to romanticize these subjects. I am writing this solely to spread a bit of awareness on the topic.

Some time had passed and it was now the night before Fred and Scarlett's one year anniversary. She hadn't mentioned it to anyone, including Fred, because she didn't want to make too big of a deal out of it. But she was happy nonetheless, happy to have such an amazing boy in her life.

Umbridge had started an inquisitorial squad, which had to be the stupidest thing she had ever heard. Scarlet almost let it bother her, but decided to let it go as she had enough to deal with.

It started because the twin's decided to give Filch chocolate laced with a potion that caused the man to grow large pus filled spots all over his face.

As much as it was annoying, Scarlett couldn't help but find it funny. Fred had brought her along to watch but she had to run away down the hall because she was laughing too loud. When she came back again the man had already ran away, horrified.

Up to this point the leaf had stayed put in her mouth and no one had noticed it. Scarlett often found herself waking up in the middle of the night to make sure it was there. If she was in Fred's dorm he would wake up with her, the sudden movement scaring him.

Whenever this happened he wouldn't get mad, he would just pull her back down and they would cuddle before falling asleep again.

Now she sat in the common room studying. The potions master had given them an extra essay after Seamus blew something up again. Half of the parchment was filled by the time Cynthia and Blaise walked in.

The Slytherin boy was one of the few of Draco's friends who hadn't joined the squad. Pansy was forced by her Umbridge loving parents.

"Hey Scar," Cynthia greeted sitting on the soft couch.

"Hi, where'd you two sneak off to this time?" She set down her quill, ready to take a break.

"Astronomy tower." Blaise winked, causing Cynthia to playfully slap his chest.

She grinned, "So, where's your lover boy now?"

"Fred is currently pouring itching powder into someone's robes. Apparently they took the last piece of treacle tart the other day." Scarlett grinned, thinking about the boy.

Rowan joined in the conversation as she descended the dorm stairs, "that's evil."

"Giving people itching powder?" Blaise questioned.

"No. Taking the last piece of tart." Rowan shook her head.

After a while a whole group had joined them in the common room, Luna, Ginny, Lee and the Golden Trio. Apparently the itching powder Fred had spilt all over the common room and the group didn't want to risk touching it while the twins cleaned it.

Now they sat on the floor, teaching Blaise and Lee how to play UNO. The game had become quite popular. Ron, who usually supplied the alcohol, brought a bottle of firewhiskey. They passed the bottle around the circle, laughing and taking their turns at the game.

An hour and a few rounds of Uno later, the two tall gingers entered the common room. "The audacity," George shook his head.

"Drinking without us," Fred finished, taking the bottle from Scarlett and downing a large sip. "You all probably have so many germs." He passed it to George.

"You swap spit with Scarlett all the time, does it really matter." Ginny giggled.

Fred sat on the couch, pulling Scarlett on his lap, "Nope." He placed a soft kiss in the crook of her neck, causing Scarlett to blush.

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