Chapter 75. Loverboy

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TW: Sexual assault and slight mention of Eating disorders. please read with caution.

A/N: Attached is "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" By Queen. Listen to it at the appropriate part (you'll know when that is)

As Fred's hands made their way under her shirt the sound of creaking stairs tore them apart. Scarlett's beating heart managed to race faster, quickly adjusting herself as Fred did the same. "I hope you're all decent because I'm not paying the viewers fee."

"George, you wouldn't be able to afford my prices."

The boy came up the creaky steps, hand over his eyes but peeking through his fingers. It was obvious something had been going on considering the way both were breathing heavily and trying their best to appear composed, so much so it looked unnatural. "I take it you enjoyed your time locked here? I told Ginny you would." He seemed satisfied with the scheme.

Fred narrowed his eyes, "other than the fact we almost died from dehydration and we could've been mauled by the ghoul, yes it was lovely."

"Brilliant, although I can tell from that purple mark on Scarlett's neck."

"What?" She gasped, hand reaching up.

George chuckled, "only joking."

"Why'd you finally decide to let us out?" Fred changed the subject.

George's eyes changed to a shade that could only be described as his scheming expression, "mum's found herself in a bit of a dilemma and I figured you two could help, that is if you've made up of course."

"Right then, we're coming."

Downstairs the whole lot of witches and wizards sat around the kitchen table, including Bill and Fleur. Apparently Molly was having a bit of trouble finding enough space for all of her guests. "With Luna and Fleur's family coming we are one mattress short and all the air beds have been popped by the twins riding down the stairs on them."

"Well we all know a pair who would gladly share a bed." Ginny wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ginevra! Don't be rude."

"Well," George went on, "unless Ron and Harry fancy cuddling, which I'm sure they probably do, it makes the most sense."

"Actually, Harry is an excellent little spoon but I'm afraid my bed is a tad bit too small." Ron grinned.

"Ron," Harry joked, "you weren't supposed to tell them I'm the little spoon! Besides everyone knows you like-"

"Shhh, don't tell them that!" He chuckled girlishly, placing a hand over Harry's mouth.

"Moving on," Ginny giggled, "Fred and Scarlett won't mind getting cozy. They've done it a million times before anyway."

"Well, why don't we ask them considering they're standing right there!" Hermione suggested, "Scarlett how do you feel about bunking with one of Jack's beanstalks for the weekend?"

Fred and Scarlett both looked at each other with the same expression, shock. "If it's that big of a deal I don't mind I guess. I could always take the couch if,"

Molly looked down at the parchment in her hands, "Charlie already agreed to take the couch, he gets in tomorrow. The cots are too small and thin to share as well." She looked hopeful at the end of her sentence.

Fred's arm wrapped around her shoulders, "Scarlett and I are two peas in a pod like the muggles say, if she agrees my bed is all hers. If I'm lucky maybe she'll actually save me some of the covers this time."

"Fred you could always sleep on the floor." Hermione squinted, "like a gentleman."

"That's not a bad idea Hermione." Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Much better than them sharing the bed." Scarlett was skeptical at how the woman would be so on board with them sharing, now she knew there was no stopping the plan if she thought Fred was taking one for the team and sleeping on the ground.

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