Chapter 19. Ditch

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"Why would you want to ditch with us?" Scarlett recalled the day he had defended her from Ivan.

"Anything seems better than sitting in class reviewing the garbage we've been learning all year." The Slytherin shrugged nonchalantly.

"Okay, but if we agree to let you come you won't rat on us?" Rowan questioned the blonde.

"I swear, my intentions are pure." He winked, causing a scowl to appear on Lee's face.

The group turned to discuss the idea. Scarlett felt weird about the situation, considering how awful he had been to her in the past. However she couldn't shake the feeling that she owed him, and he seemed like he was changing.

"Pansy and Blaise will be there, it won't make that much of a difference. Besides he's outnumbered, we could always tie him up if he tries anything." Scarlett whispered to the group.

"If he does try to snitch anyway, I know a first year who's more than willing to cover for us." Ginny smirked and looked to Luna, who knew exactly what she was saying.

Harry was the first to protest, "We're really just all gonna trust Malfoy?"

"Relax," Scarlett reassured him, "we'll make sure to keep our guards up and make sure not to say anything too revealing."

They all looked back up at Malfoy, who seemed to already know their decision. "So?" He questioned.

Scarett spoke for the group, "You can come. Sit with us at dinner and we'll give you the details."

They made their way to the great hall, the sight of Malfoy sitting at a table other than Slytherin especially with Potter raised a lot of questions. Blaise and Pansy showed up and we're informed of the plan at the same time as Draco.

They were all for it and so it was settled, they would be ditching school on Friday.

The week ended and the promise of a fun weekend seemed to take some of the tension out of the air. Friday had rolled around and the plan was put into action. The group met up early in the Ravenclaw common room, including Draco.

One of the groups deciding factors on letting Draco join was that he wasn't a part of their usual friend group. This would make their illness seem more believable to Madam Pomfrey. After using a bunch of muggle tricks plus a bit of magic, they were ready.

Rowan was the first to go down. As the minutes ticked by, everyone was crossing their fingers hoping it worked. Even Draco let out a cheer when Rowan reentered the room, holding out a note to excuse her from class for the day.

One by one the students visited the nurse, each time was successful. Madam Pomfrey was a bit concerned about the amount of student's coming in sick, but she decided that over the weekend she would have the whole school disinfected.

When Pansy, the last one to go, came back with her note they were pumped. After classes had already started they snuck out of the building. Fred, Lee, and George had gone to the kitchens the night before and got two baskets full of food from the elves.

The group decided to go by a spot near the lake that was surrounded by trees. This way no one would be able to see them.

Everything was going well so far, no one had seen them leave and they made it to the lake. The group was sitting on the ground enjoying the warm air. Scarlett had to admit, the day of absolutely no work was a good idea. They spent the early morning just relaxing.

However, Fred decided he wanted to do something exciting. "Guys, how about we make forts."

"Forts?" Draco questioned, "out of what?"

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