Chapter 28. Prefect

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A/N This chapter is 4000 words because I got carried away. Sorry to those of you who like shorter chapters. Thanks for reading!
Xoxo Amy.

The night before the first day of school, everyone was ready, except Sirius. The poor man seemed rather upset that his godson would be leaving him. Hermione found it ridiculous, while Harry felt guilty. Scarlett didn't have an opinion on the matter as she had something else on her mind.

The girl had finished packing ages ago. Now she laid in the middle of Fred's bed, arms and legs spread out like a starfish with her eyes closed. Fred was still trying to cram all of his belongings in his trunk without folding anything, but Scarlett didn't feel like helping.

"Scar, could you give me a hand?"

"Just fold everything Fred."

"It would be faster if you could just come sit on the trunk. What're you doing anyway?"


"About what?" He abandoned the trunk and stood cross armed in front of his bed.

Scarlett stayed in position, "Everything."

"Bloody hell Scarlett, thank you! Now I know exactly what you mean!"

"You're interrupting."

"You're on my bed." Fred grabbed his girlfriends wrists, pulling her up into a sitting position.

Scarlett sighed, "I was so comfortable."

Pressing his forehead to hers he breathed, "Tell me what you were thinking about, and I'll leave you be."

"It's your final year at Hogwarts. After that you're leaving me behind for two years."

"I'm never leaving you Scarlett, just moving a bit further away. Besides that's ages away, why stress now?"

Their foreheads still pressed together she looked into Fred's brown eyes, "I don't want to miss you again."

"I suppose packing can wait a bit longer." He circled around the bed so the frame was no longer in the way. Fred pinned her back to the mattress, pulling her into a deep kiss.

Scarlett was a bit shocked at first, but melted into it. Their lips moved in sync, until George walked in. "Merlin, you guys do that like ten times a day! Aren't your lips chapped?" he smacked his hands over his eyes jokingly.

"What do you want George?" He unpinned Scarlett and looked at his twin.

"Letters are here, want to open them with the others?"

Fred grabbed Scarlett's arm and apparated to the boy's room. Hermione and Ginny weren't there, just Harry and Ron. They opened up the envelopes, reading the book lists first.

Everyone wondered who the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher was, as there were new books assigned. Apparently Dumbledore had a rough time finding someone.

Scarlett noticed an extra piece of paper, picking out of the pile she read the top. Just then a bronze and blue badge slipped out and into her hand. "Prefect." The blood drained from her face, she hadn't expected to be a prefect. She could name buckets of more qualified Ravenclaws, the thought never popped into her mind.

Scanning the room she stopped and looked at Ron. His reaction was similar to hers, only ten times worse. She instantly knew, even though it seemed impossible. Ron was also a prefect. The twins were never gonna let them hear at the end of it.

The others noticed Ron's odd behavior and Fred went to check on him. His mouth fell open, "Prefect?" George jumped towards the letter at his twin's words. Pulling the envelope from his little brother's hand and turning it upside down, his badge fell out.

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