Chapter 65. Sectumsempra

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*Warning for Marijuana use in this chapter so if you're not comfortable with that skip it.*

At exactly eleven pm on the dot, music started blaring so loud Scarlett thought the source was in Pansy's dorm. However Pansy and the other Slytherins in the room informed them that just meant the party was starting and it was time to make an appearance. Scarlett was quite nervous, she'd never gone to one of the infamous parties in the dungeons. They were rumored to be crazy at times.

When Pansy took Scarlett's arm to lead them out into the common room she wasn't sure what to aspect. On the other hand her friends all seemed excited. She had invited Hermione, Cho, Luna and Ginny. Hermione was the only one who needed some convincing but even she agreed to come.

The only light was dim and green and the area was already packed with people mostly dressed in black. The majority of people were from Slytherin but every now and then Scarlett caught a glimpse of someone she recognized from another house.

Apparently they were strict about Gryffindors due to the rivalry and all, but Hufflepuffs were welcome along with a select few Ravenclaws. The only reason Hermione Ginny and Neville were allowed was because Pansy insisted. The woman was phenomenal at getting her way.

Scarlett wore sheer black tights, a short skirt, and a, tight top all black because she wanted to fit in as much as possible. The girls grabbed drinks, Scarlett starting with a water, and began to dance. The music was incredible, definitely a different vibe than what the other houses were into but Scarlett loved it.

She danced with Hermione and others until a familiar voice called them from their trance. "Parkinson," the boy spat, "I told you to stop inviting filthy mudbloods and Gryffindors. Was Neville not enough for you?"

"Piss off Malfoy, they're all fine. Don't you have a line to snort?" Pansy eyed the boy who was clad in one of his expensive black suits.

"You're walking a thin line Pansy, that mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble."

Pansy chuckled, "lucky for you, trouble turns me on."

"Draco," Scarlett smirked deviously, "how's the nose? Do you think Pansy would like to know about the time you made a flo-"

"You promised you wouldn't mention it, it was a mistake anyhow." He walked up to Scarlett, face stone cold. "You don't want to start with me Barnes."

She winked, "I suppose we'll keep the skeletons in the closet...for now."

Draco downed his glass of top shelf whiskey and walked away as Pansy chuckled. "You and Malfoy have history?"

"One time he actually seemed like a nice person, we hung out in the woods. I was wrong." She sipped her water as a song with a deep bass came on.

"Merlin, I love this song!" Daphne shrieked.

They danced some more, Neville eventually whisking Pansy away. When they decided they needed a break the girls wandered deeper into the room, noticing the other events going on. There was a group teenagers sprawled along the furniture passing around a joint. Even if the sight didn't give it away, the smell did.

Scarlett couldn't deny, she was intrigued. Cho and Luna on the other hand were more than intrigued, joining the group immediately. "Luna knows them," Ginny grinned, "I've never done it before but she's apparently quite experienced."

"Are you gonna try it?" Scarlett asked curiously.

The ginger seemed to be thinking, "together?"

"I suppose, if I get all paranoid or something you have to take me back. Also don't tell Fred."

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα