Chapter 47. Date

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Scarlett was all ready, wearing a blue dress that matched her ring and her white doc martens. After petting Darts goodbye, she walked back down the stairs and into the living room. Fred was waiting patiently on the couch, talking to Luna Lovegood who had just arrived.

"So you're telling me the nargles misplaced all fifteen pars of socks?"

"Exactly, sneaky creatures. They love stealing." Luna's dreamy voice filled the room as Scarlett entered. Ginny was looking at the girl absolutely love stricken but Fred just looked amazed.

"Hello Scarlett, you look lovely today."

"You as well Luna, nice to see you."

"Luna here was explaining the nargles to me, but I think you and her are two of a kind." Fred grinned, mouthing the word eccentric inaudibly.

"Heading somewhere?" Hermione asked.

"Scarlett and I are going on a date." He snaked his arm around her waist.

"Have fun, don't let the nargles get you." Harry chuckled as the two left the house.

Without much warning Fred apparated them to Diagon Alley. He led the way walking for a while until he stopped abruptly. "I forgot something at the shop." Just like that, they were in his store, the twisting causing discomfort in Scarlett.

"Stay down here, I'll be back." Scarlett stood by the register in the shop as Fred took off up the stairs, two at a time. She did as he said and waited by the register.

Her eyes wandered to the Pygmy puffs, going over to pet them. Just as she stroked a pink one, she heard a familiar voice. "Who is- oh. It's you." Verity gave a less than polite greeting.

"Nice to see you too." Scarlett rolled her eyes although the employee couldn't see.

"Fred left a while ago, what are you doing here?"

"He forgot something." Scarlett replied coldly.

"Fred's quite a charming man, how'd you end up with him?"

"We met on the Hogwarts express and I wooed him with my award winning personality." Her voice was nothing short of dripping with sarcasm.

"I would've never guessed. Where are you two going?"

Scarlett wanted to tell her it was none of her business. Instead she went with, "the muggle dentist, Fred is stealing freshly pulled teeth out of the bins. They're starting a jewelry line."

"Funny, I guess he didn't tell you then." Verity crossed her arms.

Scarlett lifted her left hand to brush her hair out of her eyes, "Tell me-"

"No way, he didn't." Verity interrupted her, noticing the rock on her finger.

"Promise ring." She smirked at the shock on the girl's face.

"That's a relief, for a moment I thought Fred actually agreed to marry you."

Scarlett clenched her jaw, "if he ever decides to leave me, I'll be sure to give him your name. Oh wait, he already has it because you're just his employee."

"Considering he's giving rings to you, he'll go for just about anyone. Employee or mud-"

Both girls turned to see Fred coming down the stairs two at a time. His smile reappeared as he spotted his stunning girlfriend at the Pygmy puff tank. "Hey Scar, ready to go?"

"Yeah, she was just telling me about the puffs." Scarlett looked Verity up and down, "I'm sorry what was your name again? Charity, no I think it started with a V maybe?"

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