Chapter 58. Kiss

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A/N Trigger warning for eating disorders, nothing too serious but read at your own risk.

Her wish was granted as Scarlett walked through the school. People were buzzing, talking about the prank that had knocked Filch to the floor. "Did you hear? People are saying it's as good as a Weasley prank, we have to go check it out." A first year whispered to her friend on the stairs.

Scarlett giggled as the pair ran off down the stone steps to look. Being compared to the Weasley's in the pranking department was an honor, she would definitely be telling Fred in her next recording. For now she had to go get ready for another occlumency lesson with Snape.

The man was waiting patiently in his office with his lips pursed. Scarlett knew what to do, sitting in the chair as Snape lifted his wand. "Legilimens!" Memories coursed through her head one by one.

"Fight it, you know how." Snape urged her as the memory of Fred giving her the promise ring played. She did, the memories instantly fading smaller and smaller. "A Weasley eh? I would've expected better." Snape's monotone voice teased.

The room was dark regardless of it being early morning, it was always dark. She wanted to open her eyes and tell him not to talk about her family like that. Her chosen family. Actually it wasn't much of a choice at all, it all just sort of happened out of the blue. For a moment Scarlett almost stopped closing her mind, but then remembered the importance of the task.

The memories continued to fade, until a distinct one popped up. She was at the hospital in Ireland sitting on a bed while the doctors told her parents what had happened. The horrified look on her mum's face jabbed her heart. The time they discovered her eating disorder. The diagnosis was enough to bring tears to her fathers eyes and there was nothing she could do.

She could feel the tears in her own eyes now, but could not open them. Facing Snape after he'd seen that would be too much. Instead she pushed harder than she had in any of their previous meetings. The memory was gone, and no more popped up. "You did it."

Her eyes flew open as she wiped the tears. "What?"

"That was occlumency. I couldn't get any more memories." Snape didn't mention what he had seen and Scarlett was thankful for it. "We'll give it a couple more tries, make sure you've fully achieved a closed mind."

She nodded as once again Snape's wand pointed to her. This time she focused from the very start and to her surprise nothing happened. Snape attempted for a few more moments before giving up. "That was the fastest I've ever seen anyone pick up occlumency." Snape was talking to himself more than her. "Once more."

Again, Snape failed to get inside her head. She wanted to smile but held back, not wanting to appear overly confident. "That was it?"

"Yes, you've done it. The next step is legilimency if you wish to proceed. It won't be as simple, getting into someone's head is much harder than closing your own."

"I want to do it." Scarlett thought being a literal mind reader sounded pretty cool, plus it could come in handy. Not to mention Scarlett was eager to possess as many magical abilities as possible, it was almost an addiction. She already had her intuition, animagus and occlumency down, adding legilimency to the list along with soon being able to apparate wouldn't hurt.

"Excellent, I'll inform Dumbledore and we'll proceed after holiday. For now continue closing your mind and staying focused."

"Yes sir." Scarlett was excited for what was to come after break, she would be taking apparition lessons and now would be adding legilimency. Achieving was Scarlett's favorite thing, no matter what it was she was reaching for.

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