Chapter 63. Slytherin

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"Are you sure you want to get rid of the silver? It's grown on me."

"Yes Fred, I'm going to split dye it. Now if you keep distracting me the spell is going to go horribly wrong and it'll be all your fault."

"Fine, but if I have to hold this spell book open much longer my arms will fall off."

"With muscles that big you're really complaining about a spell book?"

"You think I have big muscles?"

"No, I figured if I complimented you you'd flip the page."

"Not very nice for someone asking for so much."

"I'm almost done!" She exclaimed, trying to part her hair.

"Can I pick the color?"

"Depends on what you want."

"White, you can be like Frankenstein's wife." His eyes crinkled as he smiled, he thought it was a brilliant idea.

"Frankenstein wasn't the monster, he was the scientist."

"Of course you'd know that, but you know what I mean."

"Fine, I'll do white. It's not a bad idea. Thank Merlin I can do this with magic, white with muggle supplies would take ages."

"Just hurry up, we haven't got all day. Especially since there's some extraneous activities I'd like to participate in." He breathed into her neck, doing everything he could to distract her.

"Fred!" She rolled her green eyes.

She lifted her wand to her head, reciting the incantation. Thankfully it worked, looking in the mirror her hair was perfectly split. Half black, half white. She set her wand down on the sink and took the book from Fred, who dramatically sighed. She had to admit, the white looked really good. Plus it would watch everything.

"You look wonderful darling, definitely like someone I'd cross the street to get away from."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, "that's exactly what I was going for."

"Only joking love," he gripped the backs of her thighs and lifted her up onto the counter, "you look like someone I want under me." He whispered the last part into her ear, causing shivers to run down her spine.

"I'm going to go to the train station early if you don't stop."

"May I show you to my bedroom?"

"I'll allow it."

Scarlett had spent the rest of holiday in Fred's flat. She didn't tell her parents what happened, the less they knew the better. Worrying them would only cause problems and she didn't want to put the lovely pair in any danger. Now it was just the both of them alone in the flat with two hours to spare.

Scarlett pulled off his jumper, admiring the tattoo on his rib cage before she was pulled into a hungry kiss. She melted into it, the way his lips felt against hers was paradise. Without breaking away from him, she climbed onto his lap.

"Oi Scarlett! Fred! Wanna go grab some food?"

She got off as Fred reached for his jumper. "He wasn't supposed to be back yet." He scowled.

"It's fine, I'm hungry anyway."

"I am too, just not for food."

"Don't be weird," she giggled, "we're coming George!"

She laced up her converse and pulled on her jacket as Fred did the same. Waiting for him in the doorway she looked around the flat. The plain cream colored walls with minimal decor had given her solace after the tragic attack. Within the walls of the home she felt safe, knowing her lover would be there to protect her.

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now