Chapter 5. Party

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Fred turned back every few steps he took to look at Scarlett. He couldn't understand why she was so insecure, in his eyes she had no flaws.

A pang of sadness hit him as he turned the corner and could no longer see his Ravenclaw. He dreaded the day of classes tomorrow as it would only keep them apart longer.

Scarlett answered the riddle, "What begins with an E, ends with an E, but only has one letter?" The answer was, obviously to her, an envelope. She climbed through the portrait and sat by the fire with her friends.

Luna had returned with hot chocolates for the group and no one questioned where she'd been. They chatted for a while as they sipped the warm drink, but Scarlett's mind was focused on Fred.

The way their hands intertwined, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, how his eyes widened when he talked about his future, he was amazing.

She hadn't had much experience with boys, friends or not. Questions ran through her head, did people call each other darling casually? It was all very new to her especially since she's only become friends with the red head a bit over month ago.

Before bed, Scarlett decided to write to her parents. She told them about how her classes were going, how quidditch was cancelled and the books she had been reading. She mentioned a new friend, Fred, but didn't go into much detail. She missed her family but Hogwarts was where she belonged.

The next morning Scarlett got up and cuddled with Darts before getting ready for class. She got dressed in her uniform and robes. After straightening her blue tie and lacing up her platform converse, she met her friends and joined them for breakfast in the great hall.

Just as she was about to leave for class she saw Fred enter, hair messy and uniform sleeves rolled up. She told her friends she would catch up with them later and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Sneaking up behind Fred, he jumped as her hands grabbed his shoulders. "Morning Fred." She chirped.

"Morning bomb girl." Fred, George and surprisingly Lee greeted her in unison.

"What brings you to our table on this lovely Friday morning? Not trying to steal Freddie again are you?" George questioned her.

"Oh no, I just came to say hello before I headed to potions." Scarlett muttered.

Fred grinned with a mouthful of toast, "Sit down," he motioned to the empty seat beside him, "We've got ages before class." The ginger swallowed the last bite of his toast.

In one hand he held his glass of pumpkin juice and the other reached down and rested on Scarlett's mid thigh. He sent her a look as if to ask for permission and she nodded, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

Just then none other than Draco Malfoy sauntered up to them, "Well isn't this a sight to see? The blood traitors hanging out with a mudblood who blows things up in her spare time." He sneered, eyes darting between the Weasley's and Scarlett.

Fred and George sent him a nasty look, "Piss off Malfoy." Fred scowled.

The comment was supposed to make Scarlett mad but instead she burst into a fit of giggles.
The sight of Malfoy made her remember the dung bomb prank. She tried to compose herself but the laughter wouldn't stop. The whole group sent her a confused look.

"What's so funny Barnes?" Draco snapped.

Scarlett finally managed to pull it together. She narrowed her eyes at Malfoy, she knew exactly how to get under people like his's skin. "Oh nothing."

"Spit it out!"

Scarlett sighed and stood up now eye to eye with him, "You really are pathetic Malfoy. Just because you've got daddy issues doesn't give you right to be an ass. Go see a therapist or something."

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