Chapter 45. Ring

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Scarlett and Harry entered the house, just as they heard Ginny asking Ron if he'd seen them. As soon as Ginny laid eyes on the pair she grinned, running and pulling them each into a hug. "We weren't expecting you until morning!" Molly took her turn to hug them, Hermione and Ron close behind.

"Dumbledore had us go meet Slughorn, he's to be the new professor." Scarlett explained it had taken less time than the man had anticipated.

"Well then, are you two hungry?" Molly asked as Ron reached out and touched Hermione's face. Scarlett giggled as he turned pink.

"Just a bit of toothpaste."

After Moly made sure they were stuffed with soup she explained how Arthur was still at work, he had recently been promoted by Scrimgeour. When they were done with the lovely meal Scarlett made her way up to Ron's room, Ginny deciding to go to sleep as she was exhausted.

"When did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione.

"A few days ago, though I didn't know if I was coming for a while." Ron and Hermione went on to explain how Molly had gone off last week, threatening not to send them back to Hogwarts. Apparently Arthur had straightened the situation out, after a few days of course.

"There's a bit of talk, that Dumbledore's gotten old."

"Rubbish! He's only what?"

"150, give or take a few years." Ron answered the question, causing them all to burst into a fit of laughter.

Scarlett had missed being able to laugh with her friends, the end of the previous school year had been stressful and she spent most of the two week vacation alone or with her parents. Sitting on the she felt truly happy, finally where she belonged.

The time she spent at the Burrow was thrilling, being in a house with so many magical things was astonishing. Fleur Delacour had also been staying at the Burrow for a while, she and Bill Weasley were getting married. Scarlett actually liked the blonde woman, although Ginny and Hermione seemed to disagree.

"She speaks to me as if I'm three, Phlegm doesn't even seem to be Bill's type."

"She's very full of herself."

"It's just the way she was brought up, she's French you know. The ways she speaks may just be because of the language barrier, I quite like her."

"Of course you do, you like everyone." Ginny rolled her eyes.

Hermione giggled, "I just don't like how snotty she is."

"She complimented my hair the other day, that's points in my book."

The only person that could've made her happier was Fred, and lucky for her his shop was open and they were going to visit. Scarlett got ready in the morning before taking the trip to Diagon Alley, it had been almost two months since she had seen her boyfriend.

Dressing in a pleated skirt and jumper she did her makeup. It was light to go with the summer weather and didn't take long. The last thing she did was curl her shoulder length hair and style her bangs, giving herself one last look up and down before putting on her converse.

"Making yourself look nice for Fred, eh?" Ginny smirked, she was clad in mom shorts and a white t-shirt tucked in.

"I look nice for myself, Fred liking it is just a plus," she rolled her eyes applying a layer of gloss to her lips.

"You could wear a potato sack and Fred would still worship you." Harry entered the room, wearing the same blue shirt he had multiple of and jeans.

They walked down the many levels of stairs, going to eat the breakfast Mrs. Weasley had cooked. They all sat at the table, Fleur sitting next to Scarlett as she was the only one who really talked to the French girl.

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