Chapter 25. Goodbyes

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Although they had agreed not to, the pair had fallen asleep, she would never tell him but that was Scarlett's plan all along. They were woken up by George throwing things at them and saying he was bored.

The three left the house and picked up Celeste. She had taken the news Scarlett was leaving in a couple days pretty well and they went to a new restaurant for lunch. Leaving the restaurant they toured the rest of the town. Scarlett showed them all of her favorite places and took them to the art museum her mom had suggested.

George had become much more flirty with Celeste and she reciprocated. The pair chatted up a storm while Fred and Scarlett were relatively quiet, just taking in each other's presence.

After saying goodbye to Celeste for the night, the three walked back to Scarlett's house. They were sitting on the couch when an owl flew through the chimney. The three watched as the letter opened and read itself.

"Fred, George and Scarlett. Dementor's attacked Harry and his cousin in Little Whinging today. He's facing expulsion from Hogwarts, we plan on picking him up tomorrow night. We need you three back here as soon as possible. -Molly Weasley."

As the letter fell to the floor Scarlett looked around at the twins. She hadn't anticipated having to leave so soon. "Dementors? Why were they in a muggle town?"

Fred shook his head, "That's just it love. The ministry doesn't get it, you-know-who is back and the dementors are rejoining him."

"Well, I suppose your parents will be home soon." George shook his head.

"Are we leaving tonight?" Scarlett had so many things she needed to do, like say goodbye to Celeste.

"We'll apparate out in the morning." Fred stated.

So it was settled, Scarlett was leaving in the morning. She was excited to spend the rest of the summer with the witches and wizards, but sad to leave her family and the place she grew up in. "I have some stuff I need to do before we leave. We need to go say goodbye to Celeste first."

"Okay, we should go now, before your parents get home." Fred got up and walked to the door.

"Let's just apparate." this was the first time she had permitted the magical form of transportation.

"Alright." They held hands and Scarlett felt the horrid feeling of her organs twisting, until they landed in front of Celeste's house.

She walked up to the door and knocked three times. When Celeste opened the door Scarlett immediately pulled her into a hug.

"So, this is goodbye?" Celeste knew before she even said anything.

Scarlett was holding back tears, she spent nearly every day with the American. Saying goodbye was hard, especially when they lived on different continents.

"I'm sorry, something happened and I'm leaving in the morning."

"It's okay, you better write to me Scarlett. I want full length essays from you."

"I promise. Can you write down your address and phone number?"

Celeste disappeared into her house and came back a few moments later with a piece of paper. Scarlett took it, careful placing it into her pocket. She gave Celeste another hugging, vowing to see her again soon.

"Where should I send my letters to? Your school?

Scarlett froze, quickly coming up with an answer, "My school is strict about mail. Just send them to my house and my parents will forward them to me." She exhaled, glad to have thought of something.

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