Chapter 24. Dreams

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It was late afternoon by the time the twins and Scarlett made it back to her house. They had spent the day exploring the town with Celeste, before she had to meet her parents for some work event.

Scarlett's parents weren't going to be home for a couple of hours, so they had the place to themselves. She unlocked the front door, opening it for the twins as the cool air hit their skin. She was nervous for Fred to see her house, hoping he would like it.

She led them to her favorite room first, the living room. Fred wasn't much of a reader, but even he was impressed by the large bookshelves and sliding ladder. "Wow," he looked around at the house, "this is cool, even for muggles."

"Thanks," she plopped onto the couch as the twins followed suit. Hey Fred, "want to see my room?" She smirked at the boy, who now had a smattering of freckles from the sun across his face.

"Of course I would," he stood up, returning the sly look.

"I want to see your room too!" George appalled at the lack of invitation.

Scarlett suppressed her giggles, "I'll show you later Fred."

Suddenly the British boy knew exactly what she meant, "Oh. Gross, don't be loud you sick prats. I'll just be here with Darts." The white cat had appeared, resting on the seat next to George.

She threw a pillow at him and grabbed Fred's hand, leading him to her bed room. They walked into the decent sized room, Scarlett shutting the door behind her, "I've been waiting for this all day." She turned back to Fred.

He grabbed her waist, their mouths centimeters apart, "Me too." He pulled her into a passionate kiss, one they had been waiting for all summer.

When they pulled away for air Scarlett spoke, "You've gotten suspiciously better at that Freddie." She smirked.

"Loads of practice from kissing mirrors, failed love potions," He winked. "have I ever told you how absolutely stunning you happen to be?"

"Loads of times Freddie," now they were on the bed, Scarlett straddling the ginger. She cupped his face pulling him in this time. The butterflies were non stop, it had been too long since she'd kissed Fred.

Time was no matter as they shared the oxygen around them. Scarlett knew Fred's mouth like the back of her hand and she could never get tired of the way his soft lips pressed against hers. She felt as if she were on a rollercoaster as she released every ounce of love she had for him.

"How is it possible you've gotten even more attractive this summer." She was still straddling him, looking into his soft brown eyes.

"Because I-" he held her waist as he flipped them over, "-am Fred Weasley, probably the most attractive man in Europe." He trailed kisses down her neck, trying to refrain from leaving marks. "I doubt the blokes around here are as skilled at this either."

Scarlett was holding her breath in the back of her throat, "No," was all she could muster.

They finally left the bedroom when they figured George was bored. She fixed her appearance, noticing a hickey Fred had given her. Luckily it was under her collar bone so she was the only one who could see it.

"Took you freaks long enough," George scrunched his nose, "I don't even want to know what went on in there."

"Oh please, head on down to Celeste's place. She'll show you." Fred teased.

Scarlett grinned, "Really mate. She's known you a day and already fancies you. In my opinion she'd suit you much better than Angelina any how."

"Fancies me?" George thought out loud, "But she lives in America. It wouldn't work."

Explosive Love  F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now