Chapter 61. Reconcile

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Molly was greeting her daughter and Arthur was shaking hands with Harry as Ron said goodbye to Lavender. Scarlett's lungs seemed to not want to take in any oxygen as Fred stood there staring into her soul. It was already too much.

    As she walked up to him she could see the dark circles under his eyes and it suddenly felt like she hadn't seen him in ages. Her plan was almost thrown out the window because all she wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was going to be fine, but then reality hit her.

    She changed paths, hugging Mrs. Weasley. "It's lovely to see you dear, when I found out you almost didn't come I nearly passed out."

    "I couldn't miss spending Christmas with you." She smiled as Molly nearly squeezed the life out of her.

    "Off we go then." Molly gestured to everyone. Before they left the platform Scarlett caught a glimpse of Fred's worn out expression. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days.

    As they walked through the door of the Burrow Molly directed Fred to take Scarlett's things upstairs as they went to the kitchen to make tea. "So," the motherly woman handed her a steaming mug, "rough waters with Fred?"

    She gratefully took the drink, "he came to visit and we got into it." The pair sat down at the kitchen table.

    "May I ask what happened, Fred's looked dreadful since he got back. I was surprised when I heard you were still coming."

    "Verity, the girl who works at the shop, and I don't get on well. She has an obvious thing for Fred and I called him out on it because she wrote to Fred to get him to come back early. He got jealous because I said I'd go to the party with Harry, as friends of course, and it got heated. I said some stuff I didn't meant as well."

    "I knew I didn't like that girl, she's not very good at her job." Molly wagged her finger in the air.

    "They twins showed up at the party and I wanted to fix things but then he told me Verity tried to kiss him, he said he didn't even think it actually happened until George told him how nasty she's been with me."

    "Hold on, she did WHAT? And Fred didn't even tell you? That boy is going to get it!" Molly stood up and rushed to the bottom of the stairs, "Fred Weasley you get down here his instant!"

    Scarlett's eyes went wide, "oh Mrs. Weasley you don't have to-"

    "Hush dear, I can't let him ruin things with you. We'll get this sorted nice and quick."

    Scarlett held her head in her hands as the thumping of footsteps came from the stairs. "Yes mum?" The British accent that made her stomach turn was soft, almost as if it were breaking with every word.

    Scarlett couldn't see them as the wall was in the way but Molly was doing a terrible job at whispering. "Your beautiful girlfriend has filled me in on what happened since you wouldn't. I suggest you find a way to fix things because if she doesn't become my daughter in-law, or the equivalent, then I'll disown you."

    "I'll try mum," he sighed, "I didn't mean for any of this."

    "She's hurting Fred, she truly loves you. I won't meddle any more but Scarlett's one of a kind." Her loud whispers ceased as the sound of the stairs creaking filled the air once again. Scarlett was pleased with Molly's words, her approval was everything. But that didn't stop anxiety from filling her as Fred walked into the kitchen.

    She faced away from Fred, sipping her peppermint tea. "Darl- Scarlett. Could you please look at me?" His voice was broken. She shifted in her seat and set her mug down, waiting for him to make the next move. "Can we talk?" She only nodded. He ran his hand through his messy hair as he sat down across from her. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. I just wanted to surprise you and I ruined everything."

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