Chapter 9. Confessions

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"What the bloody fuck." Scarlett watched as Cynthia walked down the hall with none other than Blaise Zabini, Scarlett didn't know much about the Slytherin except that he was friends with Malfoy.

    No one interfered with the couple, Cynthia obviously looked happy and they weren't going to stop her from seeing who she pleased. Instead they were going to mob her when she was alone and demand answers.

They also figured that it wasn't really a secret if they were strutting down the castle halls together. "Well, I didn't know Cynthia was into that bloke. She is the exact opposite or him." Ginny spoke first,

    Rowan shrugged, "It's like a chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream cone. Two different flavors, but they work well together."

    Scarlett gasped, "You knew! What is it, leave Scarlett out day?"

    "She made me swear not to tell anyone." Rowan defended herself. Scarlett couldn't be mad, after all she was keeping a similar secret.

    "If that boy hurts her I'll punch him, just like I did Malfoy last year." Hermione narrowed her eyes. Scarlett remembered hearing about Hermione's punch last year, even though they weren't friends at the time Scarlett was proud of her. As a fellow muggle born she was glad to get some justice.

    "None of us will stop you." Ron answered for the whole group as they walked in for lunch.

    Before Scarlett could get her food, Fred came sprinting in. She felt a rush of energy through her body as the messy haired boy ran to her. It was weird but the sight of his rolled sleeves and wrinkled clothes just made her more attracted to him.

    Fred ignored the rest of the group and locked eyes with the black haired girl, "I've been looking everywhere for you. I need to take you somewhere." His face was filled with nervousness as the girl stood up and said a quick goodbye to her friends. Fred ushered the girl through the hall and outside.

    "Fred where are you taking me? I was just about to eat."

    "You'll see when we get there, do you trust me?"


"Pinkie swear?" He stopped and held his pinkie out to the girl.

She took it, "Pinkie swear."

    "Put this on and spin a few times."

    "This is weird, but fine." She grabbed the blind fold and tied it to her eyes so she couldn't see anything and spun herself around.

    "Come on Scar." He grabbed her hand and led her.

After a few minutes of walking Fred told her to stop and take off the blind fold. She covered her mouth in shock at what she saw,  The treehouse had been repainted and the wood fixed up. There were soft lights all around it and flower petals on the ground. It looked like something from a fairy tale.

"Fred! You didn't!"

"Oh but I did. With some help from Luna and Ginny. " Fred shoved his hands in his pockets.

"It's beautiful!" Another wave of butterflies hitting her core.

"Wait until you see the inside!" The pair climbed up the ladder and stepped inside.

The walls were painted, the floor was redone and there was a rug. A table and chairs, a futon, along with some bookshelves and a basket of games. "You did all of this for me?"

"Of course I did darling. You deserve it."

She wrapped her arms around his toned middle, "Not really but thank you Freddie. I love it." He hugged back tightly, not wanting to move away from the green eyed girl.

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