Chapter 22. Celeste

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It was a couple weeks into summer, and Scarlett was starting to get concerned. She received one very short letter from Fred three days into the break, and that was it. She re-read the letter every night, as pathetic as it sounds. She had even started using it as a bookmark.

Dear Scarlett "Bomb Girl" Barnes,

Life is kind of boring without you. There's a lot going on that I'm not supposed to talk about. I'll be taking my apparation test with George soon, hopefully we pass. Mum would be furious if we failed, it would be funny though.

I wish you were here, but I talked to mum about coming to visit and bringing you back. She thinks it's a great idea, it's just with recent events it could be dangerous. Considering it's been three days nothing much has happened that I can tell you about. Write me back soon Darling!

                         (The Better Twin) Fred Weasley.

    She had written back as soon as she got the letter, but about fourteen days later there was no response. She tried to forget about it as she had enough to do anyway.

When she wasn't at the library working, her parents agreed to pay her this summer. She was at the beach. She spent her time swimming, collecting shells and reading.

    She had written to her friends as well and most of them actually responded. Rowan was in Scotland, her time was spent learning how to use a muggle sewing machine her aunt gave her.

Cynthia's grandmother had recovered and was doing amazing. Since her parent's were always busy she had taken Cynthia to Paris on a girl's trip. Cynthia loved it.

Cho was trying to overcome the loss of Cedric, but was struggling. From what she had written in her letter she hadn't done much since summer started two weeks ago. Scarlett felt bad for her as she knew how it felt to lose a loved one.

Luna was exploring and traveling with her father. She hadn't heard from Hermione or Ginny either but she figured it was for the same reason Fred hadn't written her.

One sunny morning a girl Scarlett hadn't seen before walked into the library. "Good Morning!" She greeted the blonde.

"Good morning! I was wondering if you guys have any good romance novels?" Her accent was American.

Scarlett happened to be a romance novel connoisseur, "We have so many! They're my favorite kind of book, I'll show you where most of them are." She walked around from the counter.

"Me too! I'm here for the summer and need some good ones to read. I'm Celeste." She stuck out her hand to shake Scarlett's.

"I'm Scarlett, my parent's own the library." She shook Celeste's hand and led her to the shelf with the romance novels.

"Thank you so much!" The American girl turned to look through the books. Scarlett walked back to the desk, and tried not to be too obvious as she watched Celeste.

She didn't have any friends from her hometown, the new girl was an opportunity to make one. Even if just for the summer.

Celeste finished picking out her books and placed them on the counter, "Can I get a library card?"

"Yeah, I just need some information to put into the computer." Celeste gave her the information and Scarlett gave her the card. She checked out the books and just before she was about to leave, Scarlett spoke up.

"Hey Celeste, wanna go to the beach or something some time?"

The blonde smiled, "I'm free right now."

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