Chapter 46. Dare

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Dinner that night was eventful, the twins had closed the shop and joined them back at the burrow. Scarlett was still elated by the ring, though she hadn't mentioned it to anyone yet.

The whole group sat at the table, Scarlett across from Fred and in between Fleur and Ginny. Molly was making small talk with the twins, asking them if they planned to keep open even with half the shops in the alley closing.

Fred was having a hard time paying attention as he couldn't stop sneaking glances at the beautiful girl with silver hair in front of him. Scarlett felt the same, Ginny was enthusiastically talking about the Pygmy Puff Molly had gotten her.

Scarlett dear, could you pass the potatoes?" Molly asked her, pulling the girl from her daze.

"Of course," she picked up the bowl, handing it across the table.

Ron gasped as did many of the other dinner guests. "Bloody hell Scarlett, you two didn't? Did you?"

Scarlett's face blushed, her eyes darting between Fred and Molly. The older woman's eyes widened. "No, no. Of course not! It's just-" She had a hard time getting her words out.

Fred on the other hand wasn't nervous at all, he had been dying the whole time for a chance to brag about the ring. "It's a promise ring, I gave it to her this afternoon."

"Zat is wonderful! Ze ring is beautiful." Fleur beamed at the younger girl.

"Oh that's amazing! Freddie didn't tell me he was giving you a ring! Why didn't you tell us!" Molly stood from her chair, speeding over to engulf Scarlett in a hug.

"Seriously Scarlett, would've been nice to know you and Fred are practically engaged!" Ginny voiced her opinion before stabbing a piece of broccoli on her plate.

Scarlett choked on the sip of water she was taking, bursting into a coughing fit. When she regained her breathing ability she looked up to see all eyes on her. "We are not practically engaged, I'm still only sixteen you know. It's just a ring."

Fred's face fell, she hadn't realized how what she said sounded until it came out. "Ze ring is gorgeous, Fred has wonderful taste, must run in the family." Fleur sent Bill a loving smile. She wasn't wrong, both her and Scarlett's rings were lovely.

Scarlett looked over to Fred, seeing his less than cheerful expression. "I love it, although I was a bit scared myself at first. But he clarified it was just a promise ring and I nearly cried." She giggled, making eye contact with her boyfriend.

"Should've seen me, I could barely hand it over without shaking." He was smiling again.

George laughed this time, "the git told me he was giving her one, I helped pick it out." He took credit where he could, "he nearly peed himself when he found out she was coming early."

Molly gave another warm smile, "well whatever type of ring it is, we love having you around Scarlett. Fred picked a good one."

"Thank you Molly." Scarlett wanted to jump up on the table and tap dance. She was so happy.

Fred and George decided to spend the night back at home with their family, mostly because Fred wanted to spend as much time with the girl he gave the diamond ring to. When dinner was cleared up the group piled into Fred and George's room.

Ron as per usual had the alcohol, he picked up a bottle in Diagon Alley during the trip. Apparently he knew someone who wouldn't ID him. They filled cups with the fire whiskey, the teens laughing as they drank.

Scarlett sat in between Fred's long legs on the floor, her back resting on his chest as he leaned against his bed. "Guys we should play truth or dare." George grinned around the room.

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