Chapter 83. Hollow

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Scarlett couldn't tell if she was more shocked or scared. Her boyfriend's brother, one of her best friends, was staring at her and she couldn't tell if it was really him. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe this was all a bad dream. Or maybe Ron wasn't cut out for saving the world. Or could it be, he was cut out for saving the world, he just wasn't cut out for doing it selflessly.

A warm bed and food on the table was hundreds of times more appealing than the shabby and rather dark tent in which they were temporarily residing in. Scarlett knew that. Ron, at the moment, wasn't Ron. He was a version of himself who had rock bottom and was too stubborn to admit it. He was dangerously fed up. Fed up and thinking of anywhere better to be than there.

"Scarlett," a whisper followed by fingers skimming her back alerted her, "what is it?"

She cleared her throat, "it seems as if I have a stomach ache." Her icy tone seethed as her eyes flickered against Ron's. "A rather nasty one, it appears."

"A stomach ache?" Hermione gasped, "you can't mean-"

"Ask Ronald." Scarlett shoved behind the ginger, reaching for her water goblet.

Harry nodded curtly, "Ron, you can either stay and help or you can go. We have no time for this."

"Well that's it then?" He growled back, "perfect Scarlett waves her wand and has everyone under her spell. I remember when it was just the three of us. We were much bette-"

"No." Hermione crossed her arms, " we weren't. Scarlett has contributed valuable information, time, and resources since we've been on the run. Without her we would be lost."
Ron's top lip curled maliciously, "sorry 'Mione, I don't know if it's just me." He paused, inhaling as he did. "BUT WE ALREADY ARE."

A tear trickled down the witches smooth face as she stared at the boy she'd known for years. "Just go! Leave!" She cried, "I can't do this anymore." Her curls bounced as she ran into the tent, leaving Harry and Scarlett glaring at him, waiting for the next move.

Without another word Ron's face shifted into an expression in between regret and stubborn anger. Then in a flash, he was gone. Scarlett had her hands on knees, attempting to catch her breath as the pain eased from her insides. Harry approached, setting a hand on her back, "you alright?"

"Am I ever?"

Not a day later they were off to their next destination, a rocky cliffside in an unfamiliar area, at least unfamiliar to Scarlett. Hermione hadn't been the same since Ron left. She was usually the most positive out of them all, but now she seemed grey and dull. It was understandable, everyone could tell how much Hermione loved Ron.

As Scarlett walked around the cliffside casting protective spells, she tried to think of ways to cheer her lovely friend up. However, nothing came to mind. When she finished her task and started the short walk to the tent the sound of music grew louder in her ears. Peeking in the flap of the tent she thought her eyes were betraying her.

Harry and Hermione stood in the center of the structure, dancing. Actually dancing. Hermione had a slight smile on her smooth face, although her eyes gave away her true feelings. Nevertheless it was nice to her doing something other than sitting in the corner, nose in a pile of books and maps.

She dared not to interrupt, watching as the song came to an end. As soon as the pair dropped hands the small smile Hermione held dropped, and she went back to her never ending state of gloom. Waiting a few minutes as to not give herself away, Scarlett entered the tent.

"So," she said, "the barriers are all set."

"Good." Harry nodded, chewing the ends of his finger nails.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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