Chapter 79. Polyjuice

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"I'm a purveyor of rare and wondrous objects!"

"You're a thief dung, everyone knows it." Ron spat as they circled around the man.

"Master Weasley, so good to see you!" Dobby walked along the table, shaking hands with the ginger.

"Wicked trainers." Ron nodded to the little shoes on his feet.

"Hello Dobby," Scarlett skipped the hand shaking and pulled the familiar creature into a hug. She had grown accustomed to seeing the elf at school and giving him gifts, seeing him now was like a breath of fresh air.

"Oh hello ma- Scarlett," He remembered not to call her master, "wonderful it is to see. Dobby is wearing the socks you made under his shoes."

"I'm glad Dobby." She smiled, releasing his small body. "As for this wretched excuse of a wizard, I'm not pleased to see at all."

Mundungus was cornered into a seat with no escape. "Listen I panicked that night, alright! I couldn't help that Made Eye fell off his broom!"

Scarlett bit her inner cheek so hard it started bleeding, "tell the truth."

"When you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket. Am I right?" Harry's voice remained stern.

"Why? Was it valuable?"

"You still have it?"

"No," Ron answered Hermione's question, "he's worried he didn't get enough money for it."

"Bleeding give it away, didn't I?" Mundungus's forehead lines became prominent, "here I was flogging my wares in Diagon Alley, when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license. Says she's a mind to lock me up. And would've done it to, if she hadn't taken a fancy locket."

"Who was she?" Scarlett asked, "the witch? Do you know?"

"No I-" Suddenly Mundungus looked down, picking up a newspaper. "Well, she's there. Look." He set it on the table, "bleeding bow and all."

The three looked up at each other simultaneously. Seeing the dreadful woman was enough to make Scarlett's stomach burn. Dolores Umbridge.

Mundungus was free to go, after Harry convinced Scarlett not to attack him. Then they sat in the living, devising a plan. "Suppose we go to the ministry then, put a sack over Umbridge's fat head and drag her away."

Ron stifled a chuckle, "we can't just do that. We've got to be subtle."

"Fine, then we corner her in the loo and put a sack over her head, then I take my sewing needle and-"

"Or we could just use polyjuice potion."

"I think Hermione's idea wins." Harry looked slightly concerned at Scarlett's morbid plan.

She smirked, "we were all thinking it."

"Just a little." Hermine giggled.

"So you guys have polyjuice in those bags of yours then?"

"Of course we do Ronald, now the real question is, who do we use it on?"

London was bustling in the morning, people going every which way to get to work. Scarlett and the others apparated to a deserted alley, then began their lookout. Ron was to signal when people were coming, then they would hex them, drag them into the alley and make the potion. Seemed simple enough.

Harry stuck his head out of the alley, then quickly back in. "It's time."

After a few moments a woman walked by, Scarlett quickly put her to sleep, the boys dragging her in. "If anyone ever found out about this, we'd be in jail for years." She sighed, plucking a piece of the woman's hair and handing it to Hermione.

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