Chapter 16. Valentines

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January had gone by, they spent most of it studying, taking tests and throwing snow at each other any chance they got. It was now February, a few days from Valentines day.

Scarlett never celebrated the holiday besides her and her single friends pigging out on baked goods and making fun of the couples who went to Madam Puddifoot's. This year Fred had insisted they celebrate, so she was looking forward to it.

She was now in the Library with Cynthia and Cho, the only people who actually wanted to study that day. They had started in the Ravenclaw common room but too many people were making noise.

Cho and Cedric had been on a few dates since the ball and Cho seemed to have moved on from Harry. They were taking a break from their work and discussing their plans for the romantic day ahead.

"Blaise and I are going to go to Hogsmeade and pick out five gifts for each other. Each gift is gonna be based on something about the other person. After we are going to dinner at some fancy place, but I made him promise that we would be going nowhere near Puddifoot's."

"I quite like Puddifoot's, they have nice little desserts, I actually think that's where Cedric and I are going."

Cynthia and Scarlett giggled at the girl. "Fred and I are buying some painting supplies and doing portraits of each other. Stewart agreed to judge who the best painter is and the winner gets to pick where we go for dinner."

"Wait that's actually adorable." Cynthia gushed at her best friend.

They continued their studying, Scarlett finished earlier than her friends but stayed with them in the library to read. When the other girls were finished they decided to go to the astronomy tower for a while before Scarlett had to meet with the Frog Choir.

She had discussed being the manager for it with Flitwick after quidditch was cancelled, and in January Flitwick had finally allowed her the job.

She was mostly in charge of making sure everyone knew when practices and concerts were. Her favorite part was that she got to contact the various restaurants and businesses in Hogsmeade to schedule performances for them.

A lot of people would've thought the job to be a burden, but she loved it. Flitwick also liked giving her the job because it meant less responsibility for him.

Scarlett bid goodbye to her friends and made it to the hall where the choir was meeting. Before the choir started singing they all discussed a practice schedule for a week and decided they wanted to perform at the  bed and breakfast Scarlett's had stayed at in December.

Susan Bones was one of the sopranos in the group and she and Scarlett had become better acquainted after New Years because of it. After the meeting her and Scarlett chatted on their way to dinner.

Apparently Susan was going on a date with Justin Finch-Fletchley on Valentines day and the girl had no idea what to wear. Scarlett jumped at the opportunity to give the girl a style glow up.

Scarlett had a slight obsession with clothes and the girl's made a plan to go shopping on the day before Valentine's day.

They split up once they got to the great hall, Scarlett told her friends all about the shopping trip and Cho, being the clothing enthusiast she was, asked if she could come along.

After dinner they went back up to the common room, Fred had landed himself a detention with Professor Sprout so he couldn't come.

The rest of the school week went by and Saturday, the day of the shopping trip. After lunch Cho and Scarlett met up with Susan at the carriages and they went down to the village. Scarlett and Cho led the Hufflepuff to their favorite clothing store.

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