Chapter 49. Internship

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Scarlett woke up in the morning practically shaking with nerves. She and Fred got ready, Ginny helping her pick out her outfit. The dress code was business casual so she wore some black dress pants with a blouse and her platform Mary Janes.

The paper said colored hair, piercings and tattoos were allowed, they wanted employees to have freedom with their individuality.

After sweeping her hair into a French twist with a large black claw clip and allowing her bangs to frame the sides of her face she was ready. Sitting down at the table to eat with the others she tried to calm herself down. She sipped her tea, trying to stomach some toast.

"Love, if you don't eat the toast it's going to get stale." Fred rested his hand on her thigh under the table.

"I can't, I might throw up."

"Fine, we have to get going anyway." Fred glanced at his watch, it was thirty minutes before Scarlett had to be at Witch Weekly. "Everyone say goodbye to the newest intern at the most popular wizarding world magazine."

"Bye Scarlett, have a lovely day, You'll do great!' Molly squeezed her."

"Thank you Molly." She gave her a soft smile before following Fred out of the house.

"Ready darling?" Fred held her and as she nodded, launching them both into apparation. They landed in front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Scarlett following Fred in. The magazine was right across the street so she had some time to kill before leaving again.

"Verity should be here soon, but want to help me feed the Pygmy Puffs?"

"Yes, they're bloody adorable." Walking over to the tank, Fred grabbed out the food. Picking a blue puff up, she stroked it soft fur. "If I wasn't scared Darts would eat it I would get one."

"Darts is a handful anyway, he stole my sock. I found him eating it this morning."

"Sorry about that." Scarlett pictured Fred chasing Darts around trying to retrieve his missing sock.

They dumped the food around the bowls in the large enclosure and refilled the water tanks. Quite a while had passed as they wasted a bit of time chatting and as expected, flirting. "I'm no photographer, but can picture us together."

"That's the best you can come with," Scarlett giggled.

"You try then if you're so confident."

Feel my shirt," she took a step closer to him. Fred gave a confused expression, but reached out to feel the blouse.

Scarlett smirked, "guess what it's made of."


"Girlfriend material."

Fred chuckled as he rolled his eyes, "that was quite clever. You win." Using his free hands he tilted her chin up, pulling her in for a kiss.

Before they had even pulled away the sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind Fred. Both turned their heads to find the source, a scowl prevalent on their faces. Standing there in her work uniform was Verity.

"Morning, I just wanted to let you know I'm here." She gave a sickly sweet smile.

Fred didn't reciprocate the smile, "morning, you can start by stocking shelves. I'm walking Scarlett to her internship, watch the shop. George will be down in a bit."

The couple began to walk to the door, but Verity once again stopped them. "Internship?" Her eyebrow raised.

"I'm interning for Witch Weekly."

"Witch Weekly? Don't you have to be super smart and talented for that?"

Before Scarlett could answer, Fred picked up on his employees rude tone. "As a matter of fact, you do. However Scarlett got ten outstanding O.W.Ls and is probably the most talented person I know."

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