Chapter 13. Makeup

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A/N We are all gonna pretend third years were allowed at the ball without an invite because Linny.

Scarlett and Fred were closer than ever, late nights in the common room and sleeping in Fred's dorm had become much more frequent. Scarlett had managed to make it through the anniversary of her brother's death because of Fred.

They stayed in Fred's dorm most of that day, Fred holding the girl as she cried. Scarlett could barely change out her pajamas or eat on the cold day and Fred wanted to fix all of her broken pieces, but he couldn't. Instead he stayed and listened to the girl tell stories of her older brother in between cries.

Scarlett was glad her mother and father had written back, sending with them a box of Scarlett's (and Rowan's) favorite baked goods.

It also made her happy that her parents were happy she had Fred. She hated to burden Fred with her trauma but being in a relationship meant seeing the ugly parts of people and accepting them.

When Scarlett finally was able to get out of Fred's bed, she went with him and Luna to see the Thestrals. Her friend and boyfriend didn't say much as she pet the bony winged creatures, they didn't have to. Their presence was enough.

Afterwards they spent a bit of time in the treehouse, when Fred finally got Scarlett to eat something. They lit some floating lanterns for Sam and ended the night with Scarlett falling asleep in Fred's arms on the couch.

It was now some time later and Ron had gotten his dress robes. He initially thought they were for Ginny, until the Yule ball was announced. During the day, each house was sent to their head of house. Flitwick explained that the Yule Ball was a dance where anyone third year and above could attend.

The girls were excited where the boys grimaced at the thought of dancing. Flitwick asked for volunteers and turned on some music, he was going to teach them how to dance. The only person willing to dance with the short man was Luna.

The whimsical blonde had a different style of dancing, but she was great nonetheless. Flitwick had the boys and girls pair up, Scarlett danced with Stephen Cornfoot. He wasn't a bad dancer and Scarlett managed to not step on his feet, but she wished he was Fred.

When the dance class was done and the girls were walking back to the tower, Cho had a thought, "Since Flitwick taught us the dance, does that mean Snape taught the Slytherins?" She giggled.

"Probably, I'll ask Blaise," Cynthia grinned. The girls were super excited about the ball, until Scarlett realized it was on Christmas eve. She had been planning on going back to Ireland for Christmas.

"I don't know if I can stay for Christmas, I was really hoping to see my parents." She sighed, sitting on the couch.

"I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind if you stayed, but it's your decision." Rowan patted her on the back.

"What are you gonna tell Fred?" Cho questioned the green eyed girl.

"Well I don't even know if he wants to go to the ball at all, but I'm sure he'll understand." Scarlett actually wasn't sure at all. She hoped her ginger haired boyfriend would be okay with her absence.

A few days after the dance class the friend group were studying in the great hall. Ron and Harry were apparently having a hard time finding dates. Even Neville had one, even if he wouldn't tell anyone who. Blaise had asked Cynthia earlier in the day and she had obviously said yes. Rowan had decided to ask Lee herself, since the boy was in Rowan's words, "Taking too long."

Fred and Scarlett hadn't mentioned the ball to each other at all. While Ron and Harry were still whining, George passed him a note. Ron read it and gave him a concerned look, just then George looked over to Angelina. He did a dancing motion and asked her to the ball.

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